A desperate Prince makes his way home after being invited to ascend the throne, but he must also contend with some rules and …


  1. Oh Seigneur sauve nous secours nous,aide nous à persévérer dans les épreuves, à ne pas compromettre notre Foi, aide nous à etre patient oh Seigneur aide nous à avoir confiance en Toi , à t'attendre car Tu as toujours le meilleur pour nous à Ton temps favorable au nom Puissant de Jésus Christ j'ai prié Amen

  2. Profound message and a stellar performance from the cast! The end gave me goosebumps; that crying scene was intense and touching. Great job! May we learn to wait on the Lord even when we face hardships and pressure so we don't miss out on the eternal crown of glory that awaits us.🙏

  3. Many stories in 1 movie. The kings who never reigned, the queen who never "queened", the Prophet who never was, on and on. Great lessons. Nice movie. Kudos to KayBabs and Team

  4. Okay okay okay. This is probably the first Christian production other than Mount Zion productions that I love. The direction, the acting the production, the story line and possibly more than I remember. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Let’s start with the cast – almost everyone of them hit the spot. Huge thumbs up Mr Kayode Babalola himself. Truth be told I didn’t even know your real name until this second. I’ve just loved your talent. Every role you have played with MZFM and now this one has just been on point. I really enjoy watching you. Other actors that hit the spot are the actors they played Adeoye and the king.

    Next the story line. I have both praise and criticism for the story line. On the praise side, it was well thought out, well written, very easy to relate to and much more. The 2 negative points are firstly, the film makes it seem like Adeoye actually went through the rituals of kingship. These are often occultic and are outside the will of God. Secondly, when he visited his pastor, the takeaway from that scene was the pastor telling him to go ahead because if he becomes king it’ll be good for the church. Is that a good enough reason to take any decision let alone a life threatening one? I believe that we should only do things because God said so. This is hard, I agree but right.

    All in all, I’m glad I watched it. I don’t usually watch Christian movies that’s not produced by MZFM. I’m glad I made an exception for this. Great job and may God bless your ministry in Jesus name.

  5. Right from the beginning, I perceived that Sayo will not end well. She was impatient, rude, very toxic in the way she talked to her mother. I just knew she would do something desperate that will not augur well for her. Unfortunately, she caused great sorrow for her Mom. May our children love and obey us, and take to our training in the way of the Lord 🙏
    I pray for more of God's grace for all who were involved in this movie. May we all do the Lord Jesus Christ proud at the end of our days 🙏❤️❤️❤️

  6. Give to this ministry 💰

    Daramola Babalola Kayode
    Zenith Bank


    First bank domiciliary account
    Babalola Daramola Kayode

  7. Movie was honestly disappointing.

    Can't even see how it is a Christian movie. Too many worldy element involved in it, clubs, drinking, fornication.

    The scenes didn't really fit smoothly, seemed scattered.

    Seemed like a Yorba movie with 'elements' of church stuffs.

    Very disappointing


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