We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. People who love Jesus for so long have lacked knowledge and have been the punching bag of the enemy. We thank Jesus !!! He is doing a new thing through your ministry in building capacity, ensuring we know who we are in Christ so we will rise up, take our places in the Kingdom of God to do mighty exploits for our King. The devil is in trouble. Thank you so much, Apostle Arome, and your team for obeying the Lord. May the Lord lead you, keep you, and continue to enlarge your coast and impact for generations to come.🇨🇦

  2. In my generation, I shall speak with boldness. I receive the grace upon you Sir. I pray that the jealous of God preserve your life. May you live to see the restoration of the true prophetic and apostolic mission. Yes, the Spirit of Elijah and the spirit of John has been revived again in our generation. There is a voice crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord. The mighty army is set. The Spirit of God is on the move and there is nothing the devil can do. The sword of the Lord has descended against falsehood. Judgement, children are being set free from the mockery of the deceit of satan. Eyes are being opened. The scepter of God has been extended towards those who say…the spirit and the bride say come!!!


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