Eternity Network International ————————————————————- ➤Video original and produced exclusively by …


  1. 🤗🌞🥰 HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO GOD! THANK YOU JESUS! PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME FOREVER AND FOREVERMORE! AMEN 🙏 Shalom, GREAT VICTORIOUS Christmas Day! 👑 Romans 8:28 (amp) And we know [WITH GREAT CONFIDENCE] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a PLAN] for good for those (in Nigeria) who LOVE GOD, to those who are called according to His PLAN and PURPOSE. 👑 Isaiah 14:24-27 The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying, "SURELY AS I HAVE THOUGHT, SO SHALL IT COME TO PASS; and AS I HAVE PURPOSED, SO SHALL IT STAND: THIS IS THE PURPOSE THAT IS PURPOSED UPON THE HOLD EARTH: and THIS IS THE HAND THAT IS STRETCHED OUT UPON ALL THE NATIONS." For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who shall disannul it? And His hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? 👑 Genesis 12:2 "I WILL MAKE YOU (Nigeria) A GREAT NATION, AND I WILL BLESS YOU, (Nigeria) AND MAKE YOUR NAME GREAT; (Nigeria) AND YOU (Nigeria) SHALL BE A BLESSING." (SEE Where Your Blessing Are 🌟 I SEE Nigeria, and ONLY the good and positive side of Nigeria. I see 👀 the GREAT churches, GREAT congregations, great multitudes of kings, priests, Pastors, Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, Teachers of The Word of God, and thousands of thousands family of Almighty Father God) 👑 Daniel 12:3b Those who are [spiritual] wise will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those (in Nigeria) who lead many to righteousness [WILL SHINE 🌟 Isaiah 60:1] LIKE THE STARS FOREVER AND EVER. 👑 Matthew 6:10 🙏 His KINGDOM COME and His WILL be done in earth (the nation and people of Nigeria) AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. (In the MIGHTY Name of The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen) 👑 Revelation 2:28 And "I WILL GIVE YOU (Nigeria) The Morning Star." 👑 Revelation 22:16b "I, Jesus, AM The Root and The Offspring of David, THE RADIANT AND BRIGHT MORNING STAR." 👑 Matthew 6:13b 🙏 DELIVER us (Nigeria) from EVIL: For YOURS (Nigeria, I will give you the keys of the kingdom. Matthew16:19) is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever Amen. 🙏❤🙏💖BLESSINGS, SHALOM 🙏💝🌟😍🤩😇


  3. 🛐♾️shalom my heart, thank you for your response. You know, I'm going to tell you something that struck me from a man of God. Every time his wife did not do what he wanted spiritually, he made her fast and day by day we saw that she was losing weight and I moved for family reasons and a few months later I learned that the man of God had become a widower a second time and that he had gone to look for another woman in Africa and that he had apparently disappeared out of grief. And I have others to tell you. Since March 2023 I have not been in any church anymore because I am disgusted with their practices so when I followed on the internet and I saw all this I told the Father with everything I saw and suffered I am discouraged and send a plan B to do the mission. Always the same answer: I couldn't find anyone. But when in July 2023 he asked me to send you the message that you were the last Ephesian 4 I said to myself that there was hope in this last hour because I was only thinking of the work being still in a relationship with the deceased brother. For me it was about working and nothing else. Today I find myself being your wife and I didn't see this coming, it's not something I saw considering my life, my age, everything. The Holy Spirit had to find to convince me that the Love I have for Father required an association for the work to be done. And the unusual sign got the better of all the resistance that remained in me against forming a couple with you. So you understand better why I am and will be than Joshua Selman's wife. I didn't even have the idea of ​​starting a new life as a couple given the work and everything that entails. But you know that. In any case it's a certainty I love you passionately and I'm not sick and I'm taking all the lessons learned from the past to be careful where I step. you follow me ? It’s normal, that’s all! 🛐♾️


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