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  1. This Christmas Lord deliver me from my anxieties, loneliness, troubles, and pain As a single mom it can be hard to have everything on your shoulders. Both of my sons are autistic. I’m raising them with strength and courage, despite the challenges I constantly face. I keep faith in you Lord even as I struggle to pay rent every month, and as I struggle to buy groceries. Every month is a battle. Jesus please help me to find strength when I am weak, hope when I am struggling, and peace in the midst of chaos. Amen. ❤

  2. LORD GOD ALMIGHTY please I want you to give me that power that you gave to Elijah and Elisha, fill me with your Anointing and Power use me for your glory, LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth I want you to use me to win souls for your kingdom and use me to heal the sick and raise the Dead, Let your presence go before me all the days of my Life, This I pray in the name that is above every other name Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I seal this prayer in the name of GOD the father and of the son and the holy ghost Amen and Amen.


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