Bettina Arndt highlights the comparatively poor academic performance of boys compared to girls and how feminist ideology is …


  1. What a fine, noble-minded woman. She`s strong and confident on her own, she doesn`t need pseudofeminist misandric sexist hivemind to cope with insecurities at the expense of men, she doesn`t need to rob men out of their money to make a living. First-wave feminism was a good thing, indeed, until parasites, charlatans and bandwagonners hijacked it and turned it into everything that genuine first-wave feminists were fighting against.

  2. Feminism was never equality, all it did was put more responsibility and obligation on women after we spent the entirety of human existence trying to save them from having to do those things. Good job girls ya made life harder for yourselves 😂😂

  3. The boys notice, we just get called trash when we call it out.

    Equal opportunity for women is true feminism. Revenge against men is what it has become.

    Many women have become Amazonian warriors who want to overthrow men. What started off as an Iguana has turned into a monstrous Dragon of a beast.

    I like how she says she WAS a feminist. Feminism achieved its goals, then the goalposts were moved. the reality is goalposts are now about discrimination against males (misandry).


    Since the women went on strike the economy went about its way as usual. 25% of men should stop going to work for a day and let’s test if the economy stays the same


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