Apostle Joshua Selman Reveals Why he is not Married and how he Deals with Temptations From Woman – this video will open …


  1. VERY WELL PUT APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN 🤴🏾🇳🇬 AND UNDERSTOOD 🙋🏾‍♀️🤭AAAAAMENNNN! 🙆🏾‍♀️🧖🏾‍♀️🙏🏾🇷🇼❤️‍🔥(Matthew 6:3)💃🏾🔥🇷🇼

  2. I respect Apostle Selman so much for being a Godly man who teach us about God's Principals. Yes, temptations are strong at times because the flesh is weak but God can deliver us from acting on an ungodly behavior. Married or not, let us all do the Will of God to bless others in need to know Jesus

  3. Apostle I pray you marry bcos I perceive your home to be a healing balm to the numerous battered homes in the Body of Christ. Even God knows… Your humility, caring heart and wisdom is simply amazing. Pls do sir! I love your Ministrations, my life has been so affected by your teachings. Be lavishly blessed sir!

  4. Indeed beloved of God, he is in line with his calling. The word of God says " resist the devil and he will flee from you". We resist temptation by uttering the word of God. But you must be fully convinced that sin kills. You will not want to come close let alone touch a vernomous snake if you know how deadly it is to you life. You will always avoid it at all cost. Same with sin you will resist it at all cost from the day you understand how deadly the sin is to your spirit, which is worse than physical death.


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