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  1. 8ve been accused of being legalistic all bcs I don't desire to do things like the world bcs of my Lord I personally k ow a m8 sister who preaches fine and you would think he's the best for God WRONG He's worse than wt u discribed The fruit has revealed the tree It wS just a matter of waiting to see BAD BAD BAD

  2. Okay, here is a command from the New Testament that was obeyed until the mid-20th century in all Orthodox, all Catholic and nearly all Protestant churches. Paul presents it as taught in "all" the churches and reflective of the order of nature, the honoring of God's glory, and that it is offensive to the angels when Christians ignore this command. What? The answer is headcoverings for Christian women during worship because they are the "glory" of their husbands while the men are the "glory" of God. Women were created as "helpmates" for men; hence, they are man's glory. Therefore, to uncover their heads before God in worship is to desplay the man's glory and dishonor God. But, of course, ALL so-called "Bible believing" churches ignore this clear command because Feminism has infected these churches.

  3. I follow the teaching of CH Surgeon anf Clarence Larkin which when you realize these men wrote these during 1800 -1900 and the accuracy to present day church's and religions and those claiming to be Sherpherds and Chrisitianity is unquestionable ..I also study the Jewish Cultures and There biblical traditions .It was refeshing to hear such a young man speak 'Truth" the kryptonite to theses Corporate church's and religions multimillion dollar businesses ..All Praise unto Yeshua!

  4. My girls and I just came across your channel for our homeschool. I love diving into spiritual issues with them that cause sparks of new thoughts in their little hearts. We subscribed and are looking forward to seeing more content that meets God’s truth with critical thinking.

  5. I have read his books, he tells the truth, he doesn't modify the truth, he says it as it is. If someone is not telling the truth, he is a lier. Call a spade a spade.

    If don't tell the truth you are obviously a lier. So I like him for saying it as it should be, no offence.

  6. All so-called Christians today are nothing but pure pagans. Why do you think that the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified? Because he performed miracles? Of course no. They also said in His time back then that His preachings were rude, harsh, unloving, etc. You cannot be in God's will unless you follow messengers of God like Charles Spurgeon. Today, that only messenger of God on Earth is #kacouphilippe

  7. You clearly are speaking beyond you comprehension, "empty vessels make the most noise" fits this situation exactly. If the truth is what you're after you're a long way off the trail.

  8. Did you know: Charles Spurgeon was an avid cigar smoker. I don’t particularly believe that it’s a sin to smoke cigars, but most people would be surprised to learn that he smoked cigars. 😎

  9. Well…MR S caters very, very well for fake believers, supplying the world with his own clown "ministers."Correct. Yes. Spurgeon WAS A MINISTER OF GOD. What a comfort and blessing in this world in which I really do not want to be at all.

  10. Thank God for Spurgeon. This is your best video, my brother. I'll be listening to Spurgeons sermons for the rest of my life. Consider reading the book Spurgeon v hyper Calvinisim. Excellent read!!
    God bless you!

  11. Here’s a Spurgeon quote that a lot of the modern evangelical church with disagree with

    “😢have my own opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified, unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism”😮

  12. Spurgeon is loved now by southerners. But they hated him in his day because of his views on slavery. Funny thing about calvinism back then. We could easily name drop So many calvinist who were revered as God fearing men of character were pro slavery and many slave owners. They believed it Gods degree in one form or another. Then there was was Spurgeon and john brown who voewd the institution as ungodly and shameful. Johnithan edwards and Spurgeon would have clashed hard over this issue .


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