The production of Calvary drama ministry Ogbomoso. The story of a man who went in search of greener pasture and end up …


  1. Pastors and their families are now intimidating a lot of Christians and pushing them into doing ungodly things just to stay relevant even in church
    Imagine the kind of flashy lifestyles they live, the calibre of church members they associate with
    If truly only our salvation matters, do we need to have the biggest church, drive in convoys, and go on expensive vacations? This is how the world lives. Can't Christians be different and live simple lives? There will truly be surprises in heaven indeed

  2. More Grace Sir. What a wonderful piece. That is what is happening in most churches. May God open the eyes of such ministers and deliver them from carnality and works of evil and May God uphold those standing in the path of light and empower them. God bless the cast and crew.

  3. step 1 is the waiting and preparation step. It very crucial and important not to rush but patient to hear God. Step 2 is to seek ministerial knowledge to excel.the bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. With out this step you will not have an edge over other. Step 3 is the training step you must be decipline by more mature Christians must have a spiritual father or mother to help you. 4 is the quite or molding experience you are quitely workingfor God. 5 is the valley experience which is also the Step to go around doing the work of God when no one acknowledge or notice you. Behind the scene.preach to people. Step 6 is the mountain top experience. You have endure all and now know everywhere.
    Step 7 they have now grown with big wings and big sharp eyes and are known all over. So take your time to stay in his presence

  4. More grace Sir, God bless you,am bless with this more, my God help me to obey and do your will not my will Lord, give me the grace to stay firm, to have faith in you Lord not matter what come my way, I will still trust in god, Lord I just need your grace please help me Lord, I love you God ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. 🤷🏽‍♀️Everything works together for good is not the scripture that’s comes to mind after finishing this movie🤔yet it shows how the enemy uses anyone to bring a reproach to the church 😉Trust in YAH with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding 🫵🏽in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE WILL direct your path 🥹I love this movie lots to learn in a couple of hours🥰to know of judgement and not believe in karma!😢


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