Kenneth E Hagin – The Abc’s Of Faith What Faith Is Part 1.


  1. I could not see why I needed to listen to this but now I realize that it was for me to fully grasp that I am to account every man a liar concerning the negativity that man has spoken to be about the promises that God has spoken to me. And I am to let God be true or to hold fast to that God is true. He cannot lie. Let every man be a liar and God be true!!!💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

  2. Sad in 2022 all n these churches r thieves liars, prostitutions who steal kill destroy. The word clearly states, we r to care for the fatherless, bring justice for the widows for they sold a boy for Gold and gave a girl for wine. You can't even get one to minister to families who have been torn apart by sexual molestation and sodomy. All will have to answer. They have bowed to Rome, and the SS.


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