The Puritans added a new aspect to the historicist view of Revelation with their post-millennial eschatology. The most thorough …


  1. Last year The Anglican Church of Canada stated that based upon current trends it will cease to exist by 2040. It is the same for The United Church of Canada. The one bright spot for evangelicals in Canada(about 8% of the population) is that many of the Africans coming to Canada are devout Christians.

  2. Such a blessing to listen over and over to this lesson of optimistic eschatology, especially at this time of Thanksgiving! Giving thanks for you and Candy and your beautiful family and ministry!

  3. Hey, thanks Bruce Gore. I never heard of you before, but boy, did I enjoy this lecture. Absolutely brilliant. Displaying such profound insight into the Puritans and Edwards. I am encouraged. May our Lord raise up a whole tribe of preachers and teachers with the depth and vision of Jonathan Edwards. And God bless you, brother.

  4. Hello brother Bruce. As a German I wonder and ask you why this doctrine is pretty much forgotten in the USA. I offen hear from US Christians that Jonathan Edwards is one of the greatest theologians of America. But why do they not carry on what he has taught about end times?

  5. A case can be made that modern progressivism is Puritanism stripped of Christ. Trace the history of Harvard from its beginning as a Puritan bastion to its present state. Still marching toward a (secular) global millennium.

  6. I never ask people to be inconsistent in their theology, but for the love of God, to all Dispensationalists, be inconsistent in this one area and find an optimistic outlook for the sake of spreading the Gospel of the kingdom and Christ. The pessimism has done great damage to the church.

  7. Dr Gore, thank you for this presentation, I've recently discovered the gospel of the Kingdom ( that is greater than the gospel of salvation) and like the parable of the hidden treasure I can't get enough. Can you please share some books and/or references that you derived this great message of Jonathan Edwards post-millennial and optimist view?

  8. God preserved the Arabs, the Chinese, the Indians, etc. It is so amazing how the white American and European world is so limited! The only reason the Jewish identity is preserved because they continue to reject Christ as the Savior. The world is full of Jews who accepted him, and they are Jews no more, but part of the flock of Jesus!

  9. How could the post millennial view be correct when there are verses that describe the millennial like Isaiah 65:20 with people living very old? We dont see this now so this has to be a different era after Christ returns.

    No longer will babies die when only a few days old. No longer will adults die before they have lived a full life. No longer will people be considered old at one hundred! Only the cursed will die that young!

  10. It is now nearly Easter of 2022 I hope to view your perspective on the "End Times". Your delievery and resources appear well prepared. Hope your opinions will give insight.

  11. Men's various interpretations of the Book of Revelation which affect interpretation of other books of both the Old and New Testaments are confusing and discourageing. God meant ONE THING in his word; now I sure wonder what that is.

  12. RE: Missionaries- this is a Bad 'word' in Jewish circles as I have seen before and particularly in Israel. Having traveled a fare amount globally- Mid East & India, W. Europe and Asia I can tell you all quite simply- although seemingly many-many people have at least heard of Jesus Christ the vast majority of these have little to no idea Why he even came! (Mat.24.13 And the gospel of the Kingdom will be spread around the world…and then the end will come") Yet- (Is.29.24 & Zach 14.16- at The Second Coming- Most there will Not know what and particularly That Christ is Returning!!)
    Not sorry to say but many of us do know that America needs to be Re- evangelized !

  13. Here is the problem with postmillennialism. It renders all the OT prophecies made to Israel meaningless, or worse, makes God into an obfuscator because anyone reading the prophecies of Isaiah at the time they were written, for example, concerning the wolf lying down with the lamb (Isa 11:6; Isa 65:25) would have clearly understood them to be about a redeemed national Israel. The prophecies of Zechariah are rendered the same. No one reading Zechariah's prophecy concerning ten men of the gentiles taking hold of the coat of one who is a Jew and saying let us go up to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of tabernacles (Zec 8:23) would have understood it any other way than literally. I could go on. There are so many others that would be so rendered. They cannot be spiritualized away. I believe that posties and (amils for that matter) do not have an understanding of the dispensational character of the feasts of Yahweh. They outline Israel's history and are repeated year after year starting with their redemption out of Egypt (Passover) and finishing with the rest of the the millennial kingdom (feast of tabernacles). The feast of tabernacles is very prominent in both the major and minor prophets so we must take note of it. Read the prophecies literally as they did back then. They do not steer you wrong.


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