Prophet Kobus teaches on “One with God” Prophet Kobus Snr was passionate about reading and preaching the Word of God, and …


  1. He speaks of what God of old had to say. But does he allow that this same God still speaks to men today? To have faith is a wonderful thing but to have knowledge far surpasses human understanding until we have received it
    Pray for knowledge. His words that he would reveal Himsekf unto us are true. Spoken as a witness.

  2. I listened over and over. I believe my understanding is God is a spirit and he spoke himself into a visual existence called the word. God in his Spirit form placed himself in Mary's womb who became the person Jesus. Remember when Elizabeth saw Mary and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. Kubis saiid Jesus father was the Holy Spirit. Remember it's God the Father God the son and God the Holy Spirit three persons in 1 one. Jesus is the first of many sons. When we accept Jesus, we are Son of God. When we deny ourselves as Jesus did and listen to the spirit of God the power of God can work through us as he did through Jesus. We can do Greater Works then Jesus because we are many. We are the body of Christ. The word Christ means anointed one. We are one with God. The kingdom of God is within us, righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The whole earth is groaning waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Let's do it! Amen


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