Watch this new video of Pastor Jeff Durbin debating with some college students on campus at LSU. The students argued on a …


  1. America has become pre-conquest Canaan.
    Reason is an attribute of God.
    The "woke" didn't lose their ability to reason. They actively fought against and rejected reason.
    The woke intuitively know What the lord will do. It's foreshadowing was written in Deuteronomy 12:3
    "Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places."
    Who will be America's Joshua?

  2. Believe it or not, cause I know you think you guys won this 'debate' those people have never been more convinced of your stupidity and im surprised they humored you as long as they did but they dont seem too smart either. You should not debate if you have this limited of a vocabulary.

  3. I wondered in the future when the argumentive young lady decides to have a family and the child grows up to hear and see this video thinking,? So if I was conceived in college, by her recklessness or not, but as an inconvenient moment in her time, I would be aborted. Because that is her choice. What if I could be her only life that she could conceived?
    The foolish minds of a college student and their viewpoints are absolutely oneself and ignorant. Fast forward 30 yrs later, always, we are thinking, what the hell was I thinking of? Blessed for those that can hold a stand for life in front of these college students. It’s been so long, I can’t speak baby.

  4. We don’t force hardship or anything of the sort on girls. Either a pedo did or the promiscuous young girl did it to herself! Say no and quit trying to fit in. Quit trying to keep up with the “cool” kids and don’t have life changing sex. It’s simple. Show some self control. This is a self control issue outside of rape!

  5. Every single time when they lose the argument, for some reason they start trying to destroy their character by saying they're filming. Like filming. Filming the interaction is a moral somehow. And then they just try and say what they're going to do later and ascribe nefarious motive to their actions. Instead of actually arguing and substantiating a point.

  6. And without fail they ALWAYS happen to be a girl who has experienced sexual violence or assault. Always. Conveniently. And then they "can't emotionally handle it" and leave. Someone at a frat party smacked her on the ass or she hooked up with someone and saw what he looked like the next morning when the lights were turned on, and it instantly becomes sexual assault.


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