Working in youth ministry you see the first wave of cultural changes. Cameron Cole, David Plant, and Liz Edrington discuss how to …


  1. I think the biggest challenge in youth ministry is convincing church goers that youth ministry as a program, as we see it today is at all modeled in scripture. Its not.

  2. The biggest challenge in youth ministry is getting young people to believe you. Fundamentally they reject what you preach as not being true. Just as you think other religions are not true, they think there same about the Christian religion, not real and not true.

  3. Everything you three have spoken is spot on! Great job doing this. My biggest challenge has been as a youth Pastor is the Parents, the home life. We preach it, teach it, stuff it and cram it in their minds but if they don't see Dad and mom and unfortunately the lack thereof hope tends to slowly bleed out. They'll be close to conversion and close to committing it all to Christ and dad and mom blow it, then it like it almost goes right out the window. May God help us reach this Generation for His glory. Apostasy is staring us down every youth night. Thank you guys. God Bless

  4. One of the biggest challenge in Youth Ministry is worldly youth leaders. They are poisoned by this evil teaching that in order to be relevant and redeem the culture you can indulge in the latest movies hollywood produces and be absolutely silent about all those nude scenes. These youth leaders need to examine themselves. TGC has to do the same, because as a neo evangelical organisation they are pushing this teaching with their site along with Christianity Today.

  5. I don't know why the Gospel Coalition keeps on having these round table discussions with people who really don't understand the people they are talking about because they are not those people. It's like asking the above 3 what they feel is lacking in black churches with outreach to their communities. Here's a novel idea, why not have the actual people who are in these experiences talk?

  6. Eternal life is conditional! Faith shows in works. Works are what Jesus the supreme judge going to use. Even Gentiles who show works because of conscience playing the work of written word of God. No works as evidence of conditionally imputed righteousness because of belief is fake Christianity


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