Journey Films is proud to announce its recently released 2-hour documentary film SABBATH. Told as a collection of short stories, …


  1. Do you know Jesus ?
    sABBAth in the Spirit 🎉
    Example –
    David's Tabernacle 🎉
    YOU are the tent 🎪
    The Spirit of God in YOU 🎉
    sABBAth with Daddy 24-7 🎉
    We can fellowship with Father in Three realms simoltaniously 😮
    The Christ in You the Hope of Glory comes to the outside full grown 🎉

  2. The Sabbath is the seventh day, according to the Bible. It is a holy day because God sanctified the 7th day after creation. It is a day of worship first, then fellowship. This documentary mingles the Sabbath, Sunday worship, or any other day you "can" choose to rest for other reasons than worshipping. In doing so, this film does not explain the true Sabbath but an "ecumenical" day of rest that suits everyone.

  3. When God created world he didn't name of the week . It says in first day created light, in second day he separated light from dark on . Longest one practice one day of Sabbath its ok .

  4. This Documentary is nothing less than the framework of the Papal Encyclical called Laudato Si, which is the implementation of laws to enforce a common day of rest to benefit mankind, to restore the balance of nature, industry, family, and religion. But the day that is being promoted is not the Seventh day, but the first day of the week, a day that was not blessed by God, and is not authorized by God. Man can make a million different laws but until we follow the TEN God gave us, nothing will change.

  5. There is nothing more egregious than to presume that man has the authority to change what God has created, sanctified and hollowed.

    Beginning with the Roman Catholic Church, this heiracy that a human counsel has the authority to change God's holy Sabbath day from the seventh day, to the first day of the work week. They have passed on this heiracy to the proffessed Protestant churches. These churches aren't actually Protestant at all, because they no longer protest against the heretical teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The worst is Sun-day worship, because pagan Roman were sun worshippers who worshipped on Sun-day.

    They have made a common day holy and a holy day common. People go shopping on God's Sabbath, play football, watch TV and do their own pleasure doing other things on this holy day of worship.

    The seventh day is Saturday, not Sunday. The Bible is clear that the Sabbath is the day between Good Friday and the first day day (Sunday).

    It is the last day of the week, not the first day. There is no record of any such change in the Bible, including the five misinterpreted first day of the week scriptures. The Sabbath is not Sunday and people worship God in vain in that day.

  6. Well truth be told sunday is not the sabbath rather friday sundown to saturday sundown ; sunday is a common working day which the catholic system changed and the protestant world has freely accepted blue laws are added traditions of the church.

  7. Jesus attended Sabbath on a Saturday. God has set that day to meet with you. Imagine you attend Sabbath on a Sunday! You missed the meeting with God! Sabbath is not own your own time. It's God's time with you. Another part of celebrating the Sabbath is in Isaiah 58:13-14 which has been forgotten by most Christians. You cannot change God's Law to serve your own ideas of rest.

  8. There is no specific day for the Sabbath to be upheld. Paul the Apostle did say 'let us not fight or argue among ourselves about which day the sabbath is, or whether one man eats meat and the other does not…' referring to the vegatarian debates or the consuming of pork being unclean. These are all unnecessary debates Christians tend to argue about instead of just 'spending time with God whenever we have a minute or two to spare.' He's happy with that, seeing as our time is so limited. He's a jealous God, so stop watching Tv, social media and apps, Playstation or do anything else with your spare time. Rather spend it with Him, that is your Sabbath! If the Sabbath did have a specific day, then convict all medical personnel working in hospitals trying to keep patients alive who's shifts sometimes does not allow them to uphold the specific set Sabbath, or any other essential workers.

  9. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

    Col 2:16 (AV)
    JESUS CHRIST is LORD of the Sabbath. (Mark 2:28) Rest in JESUS CHRIST everyday "Go Sin No More" which is the real purpose of the Sabbath. Because if you ain't doing nothing you ain't sinning. But if you rest in Christ you not continuing in sin no day of the week (Matthew 11:28-30)


  10. I was in Lukewarm Church for 50 years and my life just went from bad to worse, so I was going to commit suicide in 2017. The verse that scared the victim mentality right out of me was 1st John 3:9-10: Anyone who continues to sin is a child of the devil. So I went through a deliverance ministry, and they cast out 23 Demonic spirits. I had never once read the Bible in 50 years, but, then I suddenly started reading the NT Bible every month…for 6 years straight. I saw Compromise everywhere, especially in the Christian Church, so I tried to warn Christians to Repent and Obey The Bible, but they clung to their Pastor's hyper-grace teachings and think that they only had to say a 20 second prayer to get into Heaven! I made a list of 182 NT verses that warn us to go and sin no more. Jesus said after the 2nd warnings, shake the dust from your feet.
    ~After I moved to a new state, I recently started observing Torah and The 1st Covenant last year. I live by myself, and I don't have any family, friends, or even acquaintances, because I don't work anymore, so I'm really struggling with isolation. The closest Shul is 87 miles away=3 hours of driving. I've gone 280 days without any community. So not so much as a handshake, a hug, a pat on the back or even a high 5.
    ~When I found out that I'm not allowed to "Start a fire" by driving or leave my community, I stop going. Today is Sukkot, and I was realizing that even if I was within walking distance to Shul, I couldn't even open my front door without "Sweating" from head to toe within 30 seconds. It gets up to 100-115° with 80-90% humidit. Then I found out that I can't even turn on my phone to watch an online service, or even "Write" to take notes during the Shabbat. Once the video are uploaded to YT, they cuts out 50-75% of what was available while airing live.
    ~When I used to attend Shul, we were sharing a building, so 2 giant trailers had to unloaded. Set up took several hours with dozens of men. The parking lot was always filled with cars. They have Police Officers "Working" to direct the traffic and guarding the area, They adjusted the temperature if it was too warm or cool. People were making coffee. The stage had lighting. The musicians were adjusting their instruments, the computers, AV system, cameras, microphones, etc were all going…
    I can't take this isolation much longer… I desperately wanted to celebrate Sukkot at Shul, but I don't want to go to Gehinnom for doing so. Exo 31:15 Everyone doing work on the Sabbath day shall certainly be put to death. I don't understand how people are able to celebrate Shabbat by breaking The Law?
    I'm not looking for a hyper-grace loop-hole, but if there's a legitimate verse that I just don't know about, I wish someone could share it.

  11. God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it (Holy)…Gen.2:3
    Sunday are for Sun worshipers, originally from pagans.
    God sanctified only one specific day, the Seventh day. God Bless.

  12. Once again Journey Films brings us a freshness to the familiar and a renewal of spirit. If Sabbath is your first experience of Journey Films, let it be a beginning. As in Sabbath, there is a celebration of diversity while nurturing growth. Mmm, tell a buddy, tell a pal. Gather your flock of whatever size. This — is another conversation starter.

  13. This whole thing about changing the Sabbath from the 7-Day to the first day stems from the Roman papacy misusing the scriptures in Matthew16:19. They falsely believe that Peter was the first pope and that they are God's true church here on Earth with the authority to change whatever they choose here on Earth. This event is prophesied in the scriptures.

    All you need to know is that God never changes. He Sanctified The Seventh-Day Sabbath and that's the way it will always remain.

    Sunday is the counterfeit worship


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