1. The serpent seed doctrine has merit, Cain appears to be the offspring of Satan after close study of scripture. However much of his teaching contradicts scripture, there are many women pastors today, and many women need some makeup!

  2. Wasn't Dowey doing these healing rallies before Banham? Voice of God recordings have made unsolicited contact with some church leaders i know. It was hearing about Banham that made me realise the link with voice of God recordings

  3. Much of your facts are not right..I heard hundreds of his tapes. He was a true prophet of God. That light was an angel that eventually appeared to him and commisioned him. Get you facts straight bud!!!

  4. Simple; a misogynistic, racist, homophobic, doomsday fearmongering con artist, who impregnated his first wife after it was known she had tuberculosis, which killed her and the child.

  5. William branham was not Jesus only….

    Bro William branham said that trinity and jesus only were both wrong…

    He said you have to get it somewhere between trinity and jesus only and you will get it exactly right ….

    Of course he was not 2ness either like the JWs and mormons….

    He did believe there is One God who had a Son…..but they were not separate from each other…..they were inseparable as a dual person…

    Father and Son were yoked together….not separate

  6. Stop spreading lies,,,,,,stop making peoples mind be doubtful,what you are doing is wrong and I believe with THUS SAITH THE LORD,,,,,,his message is true,true prophet of God,,,the Eagle and the end time messenger have a lot to say,,,,,,but I will see you on judgement ,,,,,,and I will be glad for I know what I believe,,,,STOP you will be punished mercilessly God won't have mercy on you,,,,,,and soon I see you people haunting we who believe the truth but we will face up and know our redemption is nigh,,, and when you people will be in tribulation,,,,,we will be dwelling with our father,,,,,,THUS SAITH THE LORD

  7. Here is the precise reason why so many have been deluded by the lies of Branham who had only an elementary school education. Are you listening? From a close examination of his early life, it does appear that Branham was a natural psychic who was prone to visions and premonitions that sometimes were true and others times bogus. Branham had no conception of what this phenomenon was or how it operated among those who had such abilities. And even more to the point, those illiterate folks who swallowed his deceptions mistakenly thought that such abilities were surely a sign of a divine "touch" when, in fact, psychic abilities are found in all nationalities and creeds of mankind. It is just a personality characteristic that a few individuals have. When Branham was able early on to observe that "some" of his visions indeed had validity, he mistakenly thought that all of his visions were valid, and even worse, he thought that the hand of God was in this gift. His lack of formal education meant that he never had to face the truth of this peculiar ability that sometimes was correct but often times bogus. The same problem exists today in the Pentecostal thought world. Here is their misguided thought process: a visionary (even if most of the visions are false or half true) possesses a "gift" from God. But, at the same time, if they come across someone who is OUTSIDE of their mindset, they will quickly say….." their ability is from the evil one. And it is the same gift that is working in both the secular and the "Pentecostal" persons. This explains in Branham's case, that in spite of the uncounted false visions he had, the fact that he AT THE SAME TIME had some visions that indeed were true, the uninformed viewer will conveniently overlook the errors and gobble up the non-errors. The entire misconception pertaining to Branham and many others could be cleared up if…..these people would spend a little time researching exactly what the psychic gift is, what it means, and what credibility should be given to it. A little work goes a long way in dispelling ignorance….. which can lead to big losses in the long run.

  8. a false prophet, sexist and cynical who had connections with kkk and stole all the word that he had supposedly received from the lord (said by his mouth) from the books of Clarence Larkin and charles taze russell. He dedicated his life to deceive the believers of God with healing miracles that never happened and to manipulate the word of God at his convenience so that the deceived Christians see him as someone more powerful and holy than the Lord Jesus Christ. Even his second name was false, in the birth certificates it never appeared written that his name was Marrion but Marvin, and like these many other lies that corrupted Christianity and the believers who fell into the misfortune of believing in him. Look on youtube for john collins' ''leaving the message'' channel if you are interested

  9. I was raised in a Two-Seeds Primitive Baptist cult adjacent to The Message but not believing in Branham's prophecies. He didn't start that particular doctrine, it is found as far back as ancient Gnostic texts from 100AD and has been on the official heretical list of most major Christian branches.

  10. There is nobody who listens to the inspired word of God as brought by his prophet who claims they follow a man. Any true son or daughter of God follows the WORD of God who is Jesus Christ. Anyone casting disparity and making false claims should be reminded it is not men you mock with such words, but almighty God. He said that which you have done unto the least of me little ones you have done unto me. His prophets are NOT the least of his little ones.

  11. God Bless you all my Precious Brothers and Sisters. William Marrion Branham is indeed the true Prophet of God for this last church age. His Voice will surely Forerun Jesus’s coming. We all believe we are living in the end I’m sure. If so, who would you say the Prophet for our age is? That is vindicated by Jesus? Brother and Sisters saying Branham is false is like saying God did not know what he was talking about in Malachi 4. God forbid. He knew very well what he meant. The mystery is only the Bride can fully accept the Prophet of God. He is sent to prepare them. Everyone else will have there time when tribulation sets in. Type, Moses, Noah, John the Baptist, Elijah, Paul, and on and on. It’s always the same story. People can see what God has Done and what He is going to do. But cannot see what He is doing today.

  12. Either William Branham told n held to the truth. Or he was a blatant liar. They said the very thing about our Lord . People don't want to believe that God brought a prophet in our day n age. I'll never understand why they refuse to hear God about this man He was the Prophet for the rapturing bride or he wasn't. Will be accountable on that day..voices mean nothing if not the true revelation of God. Only thru a revelation can u understand the Word of God. A child gets it n we miss it. It all l b revealed on judgement day. Lord have mercy . On the unbelievers. 🙏👻👑💍👑✝️

  13. Every Person Opposing William Branham as cult, will get to know that he is true, the day Los Angeles will sunk in ocean as his prophecy is. All his prophecy in Jesus name has come to pass even this prophecy will come to pass. That day Mark my Words.

  14. Very few people followed Noah, very few people followed Jesus Christ when he was here on earth, very few people believed Paul, very few people believed Amos, very few people believed Jeremiah, very few people believed Joshua, very few people believed Elijah, very few people believed Elisha, very few people believed Isaiah, so don't bother, it's history repeating itself, people are free to join Catholic church or Islam

  15. The message will live on, people are just criss crossing, keaving Pentecostalism to catholism and vice versa, from Islam to Christianity and vice versa, so don't worry, few people will still believe him, just concentrate on your salvation as individuals

  16. I have never met the man, but I’ve been to his grave many times have talked to people that actually knew him. My own impression is that and I’ll be kind he didn’t have his doctrine together. He kind of strikes me as the health and prosperity person of the time, and I think that there is a lie being a Christian just mean you’re always be healthy. You won’t be persecuted is that you’ll be rich and people that teach that are erroneously teaching the word of God. Let God be the judge a Pastor Brahnam!

  17. I do believe that the people in Brenham tabernacle the ones actually in Jeffersonville where he served I believe they have cultic tendencies to their beliefs. I think they’re actually focus on Jesus not William Branham. I got no problem in the world, saying that!

  18. I don’t believe he her got it three years old and I don’t believe he hurt. God verbally is seven years old. I do believe God speaks to us, but it’s through his word sometimes dreams in my opinion no William Branham, quite frankly reminds me of a snake oil salesman. God understands we have limited knowledge on this earth, but the things that he thought were Contrutor the word of God and remember this is only through the shed blood of Jesus that were redeemed anybody want to dispute that?

  19. Ive already heard while listening to this brother that there were many things that were wrong. I would not say one word against Brother Branham in any way. Its Blasphemy to do so. I listen to him everyday. I was 2 years old in 1953 when my daddy was completely healed. There is nothing anyone can say to make me turn back.

  20. You need repentance my brother. All the facts you are giving are not true. Pray that God should open your eyes
    I am writing from Africa. If you knew what the message of William Branham has a cross the whole continent of Africa, you would not say what you have said.
    We have been restored to God by believing his message
    I didn't know about God but now I am restored back to fellowship with God.
    I didn't see him personally but by believing the message God has done ubbanceof things beyond my description.
    Once again God have mercy on you

  21. Sad that the people that follow him today took his prophecy in twisted it. I was one that got to learn about him thru his church. But as i slowly started to see how the people of his church were not the man i heard on the tapes. These people are very judgmental and very onesided an I know that god said thou shall not judge . Also they will snub u if u dont follow the religion you coukd be a regular human dieing they walk right past you . Its sad that a good man teaching are now being twisted by his own church.

  22. The most important preacher who has influenced the course of my life is Bro William Branham.
    Your presentation of him is at least much much fairer Ethan many others do. However it’s important that no one seeking to serve God sits on the fence. Even the presenter must have a personal position for he stands at at defining junction in Christendom. Anyone is free to reject or accept his teachings.
    What I worry about is what people choose to do with his teachings because some of the conduct bring reproach upon this humble and true messenger to this Laodicean age.

  23. He was as an effigy, built up during his life, primed, so that in his death the worship bestowed on him would make possible a glowing for backwards spirits, through which entities could later perform unspeakable evils, such as many sexual practices, and the harming of children.

  24. Sit in such a church that teaches this man's teachings and count how rare they teach about Jesus and Holy spirit as against teaching weird doctrines and refer to their "prophet" during the sermon…IF you have discernment , You'll know that they have an Idol called William Branham.. they call his sermons as "the Word". They would read his sermons more than scriptures, and all they know is Malachi 4:4, some verses of Acts, and they will be ready to FIGHT at any time for the "revelations" they have..
    Then look at their personal lives, and you'll see broken families, adultery, embezzlement of money and so on… Most of them are terrible humans, and liars and HAVE NO CONVICTION AT ALL.. that's how I know Holy Spirit is NOT working there..


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