Say your child wants to see a particular movie and tells you it’s okay since all the kids at church have seen it. Can you trust that?


  1. Amen. 🙌 Thank You for what You offer.

    I would like some claeification, please. Is any form of remarriage acceptable in God's sight? The mention of remarriage starts at 17:12 thereabouts. Around 18:12 Nancy DMW speaks of parents condoning things clearly contrary to the Word of God…was this in reference just to that immoral adultery and remarriage, or is she stating that remarriage, altogether, is contrary to the Word of God? What is Revive our Hearts' understanding of God's treatment of Divorce and Remarriage? Thank You!🙏

  2. God will be inquired by us to do this for us, to sanctify us, make us holy, keep our hearts bound to Himself, help to resist the world, the flesh, and the devil. Ask God for a new heart, a pure heart, a penetrant heart and a broken heart for our sins. Pray for revival!! Thank you for your ministry, God bless!!


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