When her relationship falls apart days before bringing her fiancé home, Hope (Brittany Lucio) scrambles to find the perfect …


  1. So I enjoyed the movie until HOPE actually sat at the table and let JESSIE take the rap like SHE didn't know what was going on…SMH, other than that it was a cute movie. Chico is crazy lol

  2. This movies about my life Hope was he the guy was an ex boyfriend that I had who's going to school so he was driving the cab because it was easier for him to schedule between the classes so you can pay his my family did not like them they're thinking was good enough for me but he was a Baptist men French Baptists speak in church just like Hindi movies about my whole life everything is the truth so help me God and the name of the Father the son and the holy Spirit it is the truth and it's the perfect movie I love it so much I just want to say thank you to the actress that played me so well and I know who's playing my dad I know who's playing my mother I know everybody in there and everybody was excellent I don't have nothing bad to say I just let me know I'm in the right path and God make heaven a nurse and I will still with him like David till the day I die in Jesus name we pray amen hallelujah I am so glad in the she get to date him for real because they belong togetherI am so glad the way he treated her he put her in a pedestal he worshipped the ground she walked on at the end of the day this is what we need as loved as for job we could pick a job we could make money you could be successful we could wait to buy the stuff that we need but love makes everything goes around and respect comes before love once you respect God nothing even if you don't understand it let the Father the son and the holy Spirit leads you trust in him he will never leave you nor forsake you and it is my truth I hope it's I am so glad about this I am so happy about this movie everybody play the part I enjoy seen my brother singing he was singing in the hospital I enjoy the song and I enjoy singing Jessie singing to the young lady to let her know how you felt about her I enjoy the fact that he never take her for granted what more do you want out of this world love the love of God the love of the people in your life the love of the Father the son and the holy Spirit who's Sandy's only begotten son to come down in the quest for us so we could have eternal life whatsoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life pay for our sin so we could be free to be happy to be blessed to continue serve him until eternity until he returned I just want to ask you if you doesn't matter what religion you are doesn't matter where you are is only one God my God is your God your God is my God how God is all God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah is all God so I just want you to know it doesn't matter what your religion is just respect the fact that he makes heaven and Earth and heaven and Earth below to God only and trust in the process he will never leave you nor forsake the struggle is real whatever you going through whatever trial and tribulation you going to trust in him he will get you through it he got me through it he got David suet he got sidetracked mashack a better angle to it he got Daniel into to it he will get you through it too I know you don't believe but just let everything said Lord I give it all to you and you don't have to be a Christian we don't take care of yourself he took care of us if we are breathing today if corner did not get us today it's because it's by his grace he says he's grace is sufficient enough if we are breathing then it's enough hallelujah praise the Lord thank you Jesus in Jesus name we pray amen

  3. What a great movie!! It has romance, comedy & faith based. I definitely will watch it again. I will cont. to watch other movies from GAGO I give 5 buckets of popcorn 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 with 5 refills!

  4. This movie is refreshing! These are quaility actor's. Most Christian movies look like homemade videos and the actors , well, aren't actors at all. Christian movies should be done like this one, in excellence! Best actors, not nessesarily big name, just good at acting. God's movies should outdo the world's! Thank you!!! Praise God!!!


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