Police Arrest Teen For Reading Bible In Public! UPDATED!!! News from a Veteran! Join my Locals- https://veteranbiker.locals.com …


  1. I hope the order following LEOs and those that commanded them pay a heavy price personally. Call them out. Expose them. Sick of LEOs that fail to uphold their oath!! They are failures and break the social contract

  2. Qualified immunity has to end! There is NO way that a policeman in America doesn't know that freedom of speech and freedom of religion exist in America! BADGED THUG ORDER FOLLOWERS should not be given authority to rob people of their freedoms without paying a price for their ignorance!

  3. What is the purpose of the American Constitution that starts with "IN GOD WE 6:49 must be "IN satan WE TRUST". THAT IS WHY IT'S GOING SO BAD IN AMERICA. Take out the " IN GOD WE TRUST" out of the American Constitution, and then Americans 🇺🇸 will go to HELL to feel how Hell will be because Americans already give their souls to the Devil. America is a disgrace to the world's sosiaity

  4. sue their asses off . . . . . . I'll pay extra tax just so their clocks are cleaned financially !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Better yet if the police union was held accountable . . . . maybe these folks would be more apt to keep each other in line .

  5. So, is anyone filing lawsuit against the city or state to get these cops fired and to get a few million in payouts from the department?

    they should be.
    Violation of his first amendment on two counts, violation of religious liberty and violation of freedom to assemble peacefully.

    Those cops need to be fired and the police chief needs to be jailed for ordering his officers to do this kind of stuff.

  6. Thumbs down for ads
    If we as a people don't do anything about this we might as well bend over and take it with out lube like we have been for years we need to start holding theese idiots accountable

  7. You know who needs to be prosecuted here, the parents that brought their kids to the drag show. This would never happen if there were no humans in attendance. Also the cops need to show some discretion.


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