Ascend – Apostle Michael Orokpo.


  1. Ascension is a strategic lifting that gives you special advantage, power and authority to fulfile you God given destiny. Ascension is not a gift but a possibility with defined terms and qualifications and credentials . There are battles and wArs below. There is a lot to compete with here below but a place of heights places at advantage to rule over men. Only a handful make it to the top. It takes spiritual advantage to affect the natural realm. Those who ascend heights go the the realm of God and tap inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and power from God. There you can challenge and deal with the spirits that stop men. As you draw from the realm of God you also deal with the spirit that stop and hinder men

  2. You must gain height so that you receive capacity to help me , influence systems. We are seated with Christ far above principalities. Many gifted people are staying down because the lack height to operate.
    Sin will make you to miss many seasons of your life. You need purity, clean hands and a pure heart. Sin will keep you down. God will forgive when you sin because his nature is to forgive but you will miss useful seasons for inspiration and connection. God hates sin but iniquity will delay and circumvent your destiny. You need strong mental power to influence your territory.


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