Breanna and her friend were enjoying a ride on a golf cart when Brenna was thrown off, slamming her head on the pavement.


  1. Yes, God has many mysteries that are not intended for us to understand in this earth life. However, we can discover many of those mysteries by concentrating and studying only on things spiritual…….many amazing truths can be shown to us……….

  2. The Bible is One, Single, Solitary book,

    and that is the total extent of your evidence to prove your god?

    The Bible is Fiction,

    a Historical novel – ie a Fictional story using Historical events and peoples :

    This 'Bable' book is backed up by absolutely no facts and no evidence for gods!

    As a 'historical Novel', It is not proof for any god(s)

    The fables are intertwined within historical places and people…

    eg Egypt and the Pharaohs existed,


    Moses did NOT exist,

    and the Exodus did not happen.. !

    Jonah swallowed by a fish….

    A 'global' flood never occurred on Earth!

  3. Thank you, Jesus! 🙌 I believe God allows trials or allows satan to buffet us sometimes, so that we will feel our need of Him. I am not only happy for the daughter's recovery but also that Mom has a closer relationship with the Lord as a result.

  4. Hi
    Only God heals through Jesus Christ, NOT ‘ Our Lady’ which is pagan queen of heaven worship evidenced by the incantations of the rosary. ( Also used by equally pagan Buddhists).
    YHWH ( God of Israel) says ‘ I alone am God I know of no other’.
    ‘ Come out of her ( Mystery Babylon) my people lest ye receive of her plagues’.
    Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua returning soon to reign over the world government from Jerusalem.

  5. GOD, right now my heart is filled with so much worry and anxiety. I know that it is not YOUR will for me. Please fill me with YOUR peace that exceeds all understanding. Calm my mind and heal my heart, as only YOU can. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

  6. I love these testimonies, but are there any of healing where the people can't afford to take the person to the hospital and still get healed? These would be most encouraging. Thanks

  7. God is a God of wonders, my boyfriend doesn't believe in God at all but I do believe one day God himself will open and show him that he is God of all mankind… still I like how understandand passionate he is with my faith that's what makes me love him more ,please pray for him to have financial breakthrough and peace of mind too in his work… Amen

  8. God heal my father and help him recover from his head injury. I know God has performed miracles for my family before, so i trust and have confident he will help my father live ! Praise God for he is doing it i feel in in my heart and mind. Amen.


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