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  1. Pastor you mentioned that divorce is not scriptural but l say to you that divorce is scriptural the Lord hates divorce and divorce is a sin malachi 2 :16 so how did you get this so wrong pastor

  2. This woman is getting too much young girl you have done nothing wrong you are dressed correctly and your cap is ok you have to egnore that overactive woman,but this pastor wife is a young girl so how she looks so old. She criticised people hair and she wear a wig she is not getting people to the kingdom she is running them away amen girl you said it right come out from among them and be he separated sait the Lord. Lady judge not lest he be judged yes and now its reverse you are a terrible christian you are too much. Very enjoyable and interesting 🙏🏿❤️❤️

  3. Sister Agatha or whatever her name is. I mean the pastor's wife,Pastor Timothy's wife is doing the right thing but not with wisdom of God and love.She has a good intention to help people to live right but not in the right manner. The way she was doing it will rather send people away than to bring them to Christ. Love and patient is needed in the heart of the person who wants to help others to change and grow spiritually. The Salvation our youth are having today is different from the Salvation we had in the 70s. Many of them did not have a personal encounter with Christ. It is just a shallow experience they had. Many of them are not new creatures in Christ. Their Old lives is still in them. Imagine Someone who is born again is still wearing a very tight skirt showing the shape of her butocks ,her breast etc thus seducing brothers in the Church. Of course someone who really had the touch of God,and personal encounter with Christ will be thirsty and hungry for God and ready to be taught by the Holy Spirit.Such a person will have a teachable heart. How can you say you are born again and your life is not change. The change in your life should start from the heart and we will see it outside in your appearance.
    Our youth are not ready to change.
    According to Romans12:2, Some people still want to be conformed to the world in dressing and in their lives style even when they say they are saved or born again.They dont want to be transformed in the renew of their minds. That is the generation we are today.
    . The pastor's wife is not prayerful at all. She is an empty Vessle that makes the most noise. She wants to correct others while her own life is not totally yielded to God and not submisive to her husband and behaving hypocritic😮😮aly.If she is prayerful and passionate about the souls of people before she speak to them her ministry will be positively productive.She was not helping people to love God but she was rather judging them. That is why her effort was evil spoken of.
    Above all you have all tried to put all these together thus passing a message with a great lesson to learn. I pray that the Almighty God will continue to strenghten you all and use you more and more for his glory as you consecrate your lives to be used of God. You will not miss your blessings and reward in Jesus name. None of you will go back from following the Lord. I also pray that the Youth among you will be genuinely saved with tranformed life and not being hypocritical. Thanks. Remain blessed and be Rapturable.

  4. Indeed ,it's a message of repentance and salvation.
    I am not in support of rudiments of tvis world and philosophies of men but only stand on the surest word of God and Righteousness.
    I am current a target in the church I attend with my hubby ,condemnation from wearing braids,wedding band,no makeup.
    Infact, told my hubby no more going to tve church for me .
    Just this movie speaks my situation.
    There shall be surprises in heaven…. watch.
    God help our Christian race.❤

  5. What happen to the lady dress,I know she more child of God than them ,wearing long clothes sweeping the ground dont make you a Christian ,sista dont make them condemn you ,its your heart God look at ,the thing is dont wear any thing revealing, them will sen you to hell stay focus go win soul for Christ, them 2 will drive Christian out a church

  6. Hmmmm! Women the problem everywhere, in the world, home and church. We are supposed to be helpmates and not fighters or antagonists. JEHOVAH LORD GOD ALMIGHTY help Your Church, our homes and the world in general. Make women submissive as You created us to be and our men caring in JESUS CHRIST mighty name.

  7. Please what is the different between correcting some one and criticising one,because when you are telling someone that what heor shis doing is right in the sight of God The call it judging or criticising I don't understand please I need some body to explain to me.

  8. Love this video lessons to be learn and adapt with the help of God through Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit claim it Amen Glory Praise God 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏

  9. I watch this video for 2hours and 56min i got tired i stop watching ,i admet your stories are wouaw but the length is something else even if someone is praying you dont need to put everything in the video , or you make it in series ,nowadays before watching and video you check the time no one want to watch 2h movie no to talk of 3hours please consider that madame

  10. I had issues with carrying my natural hair. even though I knew it was wrong with all the attachments, I had a revelation about rapture and any form of attachment wont make you raptureable, yet the devil gave me the option of a removable wig: until after years, I saw each strands of the twisting wig i had on was a serpent, I started praying on my head and I felt several needle like stuff coming out of my head, I never realised that was the cause of a very strange headache I have been experiencing too. May God deliver us and help the church from carnality and normalisation of worldliness in the name of grace in Jesus name. Amen


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