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  1. Importantly to note, that when talks about garment Churches, among the garment Churches are two significant churches are namely:
    *The Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim Church.
    *The Holy Order of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Movement Ayo Ni O.
    * Celestials Church of Christ.

  2. I was born and brought up from white garment church before I left but my parents are still going and some of my friends are white garment members my brother, sister
    White garment church.
    White garment church are 50 % good and 50% bad one,
    Some mix black soap, perform and then read psalm, it work 💯 percent no doubt about it
    Since I don't worship with them some time I used to ask myself queen, if white garment church are serving another God
    I know you will not understand it and not everything you said on social media, if you are not close to them you can't understand what I'm saying
    They have good white garment church and bad white garment church, is not what someone tell me I was with them and I see things with my eye
    There's a very good white garment church that's better than some pentecostal church
    Not all of them do charm which is call Eto

  3. According to Romans 10:9 (If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved) This is the only criterion for salvation or a place in Heaven. Assuming Oshoffa married 34 wives and the present leaders of this time are married to money. What is the difference to Heaven if Romans 10:9 came to life in their spirit man. Let it be said that some of the practices of white garment church are questionable but does it qualify ALL members a place in Hell? I do not think so. Salvation is by absolute faith alone in Chris Jesus. Fathers of Old including Abraham and Moses were awarded righteousness because they believed in God. It is amazing how some Christians want to claim monopoly to Heaven but wants to kill God's children with the slightest provocation, Rob them of their money and bind them all over again with millstone of works that they cannot clearly keep. Well done with your analysis. It is always an eye opener.

  4. What people don’t seem to understand is that you cannot fool God. An alter that is not of God is never and will never of God unless it is deatroyed!

  5. Hello George, thank you for always attempting to be objective and unbiased in your analysis. We always find your videos informative when shared to our platform.
    However, it seems you intermittently confused Celestial Church of Christ (CCC) with Cherubim and Seraphim (C &S).
    RCCG's founder, Pa Akindayomi, was formerly a member of C&S, not CCC. I observed you unintentionally mixed the two.
    C&S was the first Church ever founded by an African in 1919 but registered in 1925. While others: Church of Thy Lord, Christ Apostolic Church, CCC, RCCG et al followed.

  6. There are always excesses when it comes to the church. But I think we should learn to edit those excesses from the lens of scripture. Jesus came to teach us how things ought to be and that is why I believe our focus is apostolic Christianity because from Christ to the apostles alot of editing was done on what we see in the prophetic era and bringing things in perspective.

  7. No denomination in heaven, we’ all are here temporarily and the life we’re living is a borrowed one, therefore, let’s give our hearts to Jesus and walk in his ways so we won’t be found wanting on the day of judgement.
    God bless you all ❤ ❤ ❤

  8. Why are you continuing in this line. Why do you want to cause problem in the church? Ibitoye is wrong. The more you advertise the issue, the more the strife. Pls don't make money on the pain of Christ. Stop this publicity pls. If you can make peace don't excarlate it

  9. Please note that though many sect use the white garment paraphernalia, not all are celestial members.

    Kindly make distinctions in your analysis. And Baba AKINDAYOMI of RCCG came from C&S.

    Yes, the C&S Church is not fetish, this ORDER is not occultic. We are a church bought by the BLOOD of CHRIST, and we stand upon HIS DOCTRINE as our belief.

    Thanks, you do a great job here!

  10. Pa Akindayomi, founder of RCCG was a member of cherubim & seraphim and not, Celestial Church of christ as you mentioned.

    In celestial Church of christ, there are .embers who are seen as born again. Mind you, it's not every person who attends the pentecostal Church is born again.
    So, what pertains in the pentecostal churches also pertains in other churches. My take tho.

  11. Nice work. It’s also interesting to note that his Spiritual father Bishop’s grand mother was in Cherubim and seraphim, and she had a great influence on his live which he loves to speak about . No wonder in Winners there is Foot washing which is a practice in Celestial church.

    Google all these.
    Bless you George.

  12. On this platform all you do is make money from mostly religion especially Christianity because of people's ignorance. You're not a trend analyst you're just a hustler making money of mostly religious matters especially Christianity! There's nothing intellectual or wisdom backed in your videos! Guy you just be street smart hustler who knows that religion sells especially Christianity, it would be nice to see you also talk about trends in Islam, if you're really a trend analyst but liver no go gree you near that side! Keep up the good work sorry I meant hustle!!😃😀😄

  13. There is a snobbishness about the pentecostal church and a false idea that they are superior to orthodox churches. The bible says Paul planted, Apollos watered.. God's presence is everywhere bcos where two or three are gathered in God's name, God us there! Whether they are doing it for personal gain or truly, God will do what he will do!

  14. People say things they do not know. Many pastors fall into this category. They do not know that there are members of CCC and other white garment churches who follow the way the truth and thr life or better put arr born again.

    Jesus Christ's message focused on the kingdom of God because that concept goes beyond just being born again ( which is the beginning of the process of being a kingdom cutizen). Nicodemus made a comment about the miracles of Vhrist when Christ explained to him in John 3:3 about being born again or being born of the Spirit read all the way to v7 and 8 of that chapter.

    Now being born of the Spirit suggests you exercise the fruit of the Spirit as articulated in Galatians 5:22-25. Now let all judge themselves by that standard and judge Ibiyiemie's statement ( not himself …just his statement) which is his fruit in this case from the perspective of Galatians 5:22-25. Apply same to those who falsify things by the stories they tell and apply same to the lies in the stories and conclude for yourself on the issues

  15. David Ibiyomeh is very very correct about white garments church,in the Igbo land we call them Uka ikwikwi ( Dove church) they practice too much witchcraft. They are not born and I bet you, go there and see your self they don’t even know what it means to be born again

  16. white garment churches, all of them, use marine spirits to operate. They just call Jesus but their god is mermaid. Leave David alone. What he said is true. that is what they do in those churches

  17. Speaking of demonic psalms.. White garment has other books they use apart from the bible, I've been there so I know for sure,

    Also, white garment are not the same celestial is totally different from Cherubim and Seraphim.

    Pa Akindayo who was the founder of RCCG was a C&S not a celestial.

    I've also met some celestial who claim not to be part of Christianity, doesnt that mean there's a probability of Worship to another deity.

  18. The end is near and so called pastors like David Ibiyiome has been engaged by the devil to catch cruise and social media clout chasing, castigating other churches. Rather than praying for the peace and positive turn around of things in Nigeria at this hard times, him and his believers are their preaching hatred.

    He is here fighting other church while some of his co Pentecostal church are there turning bible upside down. I came across a post last week of a pastor that said that the fire released to Elijah in the bible was from the devil and not from God.

    With all the Pentecostal churches scattered across the globe, the level of sin presently has passed that of Sodom and Gomorrah.

  19. I searched google on how many wives Oshofa married, although I didn't see 54 but I saw 13 some says 14.
    Even Muslims that support polygamy only support 4 wives, why should a Christian marry 13 or 14 wife's.
    Am not judging him am only confused on the matter

  20. Most people who openly challenge deceitful churches re those who'd once been inside bfore discovering their evil jungle manipulations, from inside. God forbid!!! But when JESUS'll come they can't deceive nor manipulate JESUS Christ of Nazareth born of the Blessed Virgin Mary!!! Glory be to God in the highest amen. Thank you JESUS and mama Maria. Amen.


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