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  1. Barbie land is literally an imaginary world in which girls rule because well.. it’s freaking Barbie, look at the name of the place “barbie land” is it that crazy to think barbie and other dolls would be ruling this place? girls play with Barbie, it’s a portrayal of a girls imagination.. no one liked playing with ken, when girls play together he is technically an unuseful boring toy..

  2. To HELL with that "PG-13 for a reason" nonsense! WHAT interest would an ADULT have in a movie inspired by a CHILD'S TOY?? Even IF the movie was trying to tap into that sense of nostalgia existing in women of the Boomer and X generations then THEY TOO would subscribe to a simpler less politically charged G RATED story line

  3. Yes, we have to fight for the truth of the WORD OF GOD by speaking, with our knees and by example of uncompromised Faith in Jesus🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Rapture is closer than before and we have to be ready anytime.

  4. Beautifully articulately spoken 🙏🏼👏🏼 round of applause. You know what after I watched this movie I was like wow this is the most discernment I've ever had to use for a movie. I was blown away and brought to sadness due to parents bringing there female daughters to this movie..

  5. Funny how all through the Old and New Testaments, the quest for freedom is seen everywhere except where women are concerned. How strange that subservience is all of a sudden desired and acceptable when it's women being talked about. If subservience is so great why were the slaves let out of Egypt? I'm calling BS.

  6. Now that I've analyzed the movie a bit.. I think it's not feminist. I think it's actually the opposite. Because after watching this movie:

    – You will love Ken. Which is a man.
    – You will realize the everyone is happier in Patriarchy. Even the Barbies when Ken turned the Barbieland to Patriarchy.
    – Matriarchy is kinda miserable and chaotic. Hence Ken managed to overthrow it, and Barbie weren't really happy at all back then. And even Barbie herself went back to real world which is obviously a Patriarchy because she knows that it's better than their fake world.
    – You will hate America and her speech
    – You will hate America's daughter most specially
    – You will realize the America loves herself more than she loves her daughter. Which is the exact opposite of real world because mothers are the greatest gift of us all. They love their children more than they love themselves. Hekc they will even die in labor just to give life to their children.
    – You will realize how pathetic women or basically feminists thinks, breaking baby dolls, mocking pregnancy which is life giving, promoting selfishness and narcisism and even prioritizing having a vagina which mocks trans women and definitely not fighting for equality.
    – You will realize than Kens are happier just the way they are. Simple and not judgemental. Like real men. Happy on their toys, computer games, same shirt every day. Etc.
    – You will realize that Barbie is a bad toy. It's a bad influence. The movie is even hating on Mattel who's it's creator.
    – You will realize that this movie shows that woman are the greatest enemy of women. Not men. Women are the one that mocks beauty, dresses, sizes, anti love and relationship and pro selfishness and singlehood, anti life creation and basically anti God because they oppose everything bible says like love thy neighbor, love and submit to your husband, pro create.. everything. It's like this movie shows how evil women can be. While men just generally loves women. That simple.

    So I think this movie is actually not feminists. It's anti feminist in disguise. It just showed the world how actually evil and selfish woman can be. Kinda reminding us all that Eve bit the forbidden fruit following the order of the devil Serpent, and luring Adam to eat the forbidden fruit too. Reminds us that cheateing men are because of a woman seducing the married men, exactly what Eve did to Adam. Very seldom you see a man seducing a married women because men respects each other, while woman totally hates one another. They will even be proud to say "he loves me more than he loves his wife!" Women hate being in the same dress, they hate prettier and sexier woman than themselves, they are always jealous because they mostly insecure and only care for themselves and want to be the center of attention, they spread fake news against one another, they sell their body and sexuality, they seduce everyone in tiktok, reels, ig, everything. Women tends to have an over power love for themselves and themselves only totally not caring at all to others rrgardless if they destroy families or relationships, And this movie showed that. That's why after the movie you will love Ken, and kinda hate Barbies actually. What an intelligent movie. Salute.

  7. I totally agree with you , I seen the movie and felt the same way. We know these movies are exposing the devil's agenda n he is after the next generation while they are young to control their minds . We have to keep exposing the Word of God to counter act the demonic spirits to bind & dismantle the tactics,evil devices of the enemy they prayer 🙏

  8. It's BECAUSE of our turning a blind eye or agreeing with the "it's only a movie, blah blah blah…" that we have come to this point and these demons know they don't even have to hide their agenda anymore because they have enough brainwashed sheeple to support their cause.

  9. As a kid I used to play with many Barbie dolls, I had Barbie Cars, Barbie house, my sister bought Ken doll but no, I am not drawn to watch this crappy movie at all! People pretending this movie doesn't have an agenda and going to watch it wearing Barbie t-shirts are dumb sheep! Can we just talk about the intro of the movie? A direct attack against maternity and family values with these children crashing down baby infant dolls to worship that satanic giant Barbie doll, to me this was a not subliminal message to crash down family and Christianity, infant dolls were used to teach little kids to take care of babies which is way more meaningful than playing with Barbie dolls, also I noticed a reference to abortion and adrenochrome because even if those are dolls it's honestly scary how they kill babies like that everything is satanic propaganda when it comes to Hellyweird.

  10. I heard a girl from church talking about "how good Barbie was and how it's so recommended to watch, it brings out the vibe" and supposedly.. she's a Christian. I don't know what to do.

  11. I hate the "feel" of movies today, actually it's been a while since I even enjoyed a movie.
    "Entertainment"?? Pffftt!! Propaganda, brainwashing, manipulation …. yes demonic.


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