1. Heaven has picked and set aside Dr Paul & Becky Enenche as the Generals who will lead this end time revival globally. They will take the end-time revival fire across all continent. As mommy Becky smiles, so the world will smile again.
    Let us all pray & support our daddy & mommy as they lead us into end-time revival.

  2. Living in Africa must seem odd to Americans. God has often brought down the works of witches. The same thing happened to a pastor when I was in Zambia. A witch flying over their church fell. She asked, What power is this that dropped me. Another witchdoctor came to his home to kill him. He was away from his home. When he entered he found some neighbours in his bedroom. There was a witchdoctor on his bed unable to move. The power of God paralyzed him of moving away until this pastor returned and told him about the Lord. You have to live in this power because there is so much witchcraft.


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