1. . listen & obey JUSTLY like this woman in Matthew 26:7-13. it's written that you well be saved, not that you are now. To be saved now, Jesus would say straightway. God given common sense let's one know that most people won't be saved born again until Judgment Day. Good ta get&be saved born again (now/straightway is) baptism of The Holy Ghost Spirit POWER of God= Jesus in ya heart & The mind of Christ Jesus to do The Will of The Father in Heaven on this God given earth until Jesus comes back in The flesh to take The Church Body/Bride of Christ off this earth. yes&amen, so be it & thank you Jesus !!!

  2. Peter said unless you repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire then are you saved… Get it right preacher get it right… This man changed his doctrine more than anybody I've ever heard preach…


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