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  1. Thank you pastor Miles.Religion had really influenced the body of Christ for more than 2000 years.Christianity deviated from the original idea of God for men in creation.Every ideas preached in Christianity is religiously motivated,eg Allen G White, Joseph Smith,etc are all religious messages and nothing about the Kingdom of God.The time is ripe for the Body of Christ to wake up for the end is near.
    Revelation 11:15 Seventh Trumpet: The Kingdom Proclaimed Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”

  2. Strongly agree with that statement of authority and dominion because when we speak bold of the Holy Scripture people can't handle even animals obey I experienced that in a farm with a wile bull he bow down after I mention Genesis 2:28 I used the word of God y every situation never failed

  3. Sorry I never finished of what I wanted to say I started to say my son it's a great testimony of the power that's written form the Holy Scripture no wonder in the book of 2 Corinthians 3:3,6 isn't just ink but the power of the living holy Spirit from God my son was in a crisis for three yeas the first year he was under his blanket he went to psycho award for three month in jail everyone was scared of him but me the word of God coming from my lips kept rebuking the demon spirit that tormented him every time he took a fit I stood in front of him and rebuke demon he bowed down crying asking to pray for him after prayer he calmed down back to sleep and that was going on for three years like I said recently 2019 he started to get better now he's back to life doing great got a car a job and grounded in the word of my father with great appreciation he want to give me credit but I kept saying I dear you I didn't do nothing I only did of what God commanded us to have dominion authority and power glory to Him amen.

  4. I dominated being a musician I started to play the harmonic now a days I use it for gospel music the Lord gave me few testimony what that sound does in people's mind I took the idea from 1Samuel 16:23-24 many years ago at the age of twenty I was sent to Germany within six month I've learned German and Polish by the end of the year I was an interpreter of both language from Spanish to German and from German to Polish by the age of thirty six I command seven language after was converted I learned to communicated in another two more language in a period of forty three years I communicated in nine language never done nothing with it until thirty seven year of age I proclaimed Christ in seven different language most of them had fade away but now after all this message really made be believe that I still can do something for the Kingdom of my father the King above all kingdom for all this years my gift have been sleeping but all this message woke me up now I am getting ready for the Kingdom of God I am reclaiming my gift and use it

  5. I can not express it enough, this annointed man with a heart for God is the most excellent and explicable Teacher of the "true" knowledge and understanding of Gods word. I am so very grateful that God put his teachings into my life. I have been so enlightened and energized by his teachings. I pray that I will have the courage, obedience, maturity and humility to apply his teachings to my life, and the grace and aptitude to be able to share this knowledge… "An Agent of change."


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