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  1. I have been a believer for 30 years, and NO ONE, no church teaches like Dr. MYLES MUNROE. I thank God the Father for this opportunity to redirect my life and understanding of the Kingdom Principles. Wow I'm so blown away. I listen to him almost every night. Praise God.

  2. Dear mr Monro
    It was my pleasure to bless you with my faivourite handwoven poncho at the Bay church in Somerset West South Africa around 1999. It was so cool to meet you after reading your book. Great message thank you but I feel you are missing a vital point. Why did Christ tell the phariseers they took away the keys to the kingdom, they never enterd themselves and prevented all who tried to? Gods blessing of devine insight to you.

  3. Thank you soooo Much for keeping Dr. Monroe’s Videos up!
    During prayer today, God told me to watch Dr. Monroe’s video on Kingdom Purpose ……. I had NO idea, that the video existed, OR that ALL these Wonderful wealth of God’s word was available.
    I wish I had of stumbled across this at the beginning of Covid. Oh well, God’s timing ⏱ is Everything. God Bless whoever is responsible for this!! 🥰

  4. Genesis 12:3, God's Timeless Blessings.
    Genesis 12:2 is an interesting fact in history. Genesis 12:4 counts Abram as being 75 years old, and Genesis 12:3 is when, " I will bless them that bless you and curse he that curses you and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. "
    From anyone of those time points, it's close to 1900 centuries, beginning with Genesis 12:1to Jesus Christ and Paul in Galatians 3:8, where he's admonishing the bewitched Galatians around year 62 a.d.
    Fast forward to 1983, when the late great Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, who began proclaiming his ministry on the Genesis 12:3 and the Isaiah 58 promises.
    Prophetically speaking, that 1900 centuries to 1900 centuries seems too parallel close to not being a God timed biblical occurrence.
    Another small similarity, Abraham lived right off the road from the ancient King's Highway root that connected the cultural worlds of his day.
    Then arrives Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein who soon began proclaiming his ministry through the Christian Television broadcast system that crisscrossed the world cultures of our day

    Just an acknowledgement for today.
    God bless us on our journey!!!

  5. I've sat under the preaching/teaching of pastors for 60+ years and had a HARD time paying attention, but Dr. Munroe's teaching grabs you and you can't help but pay attention. My ears perk up and grab everything he says. I have learned more in the short time I've been listening to his messages than I ever learned under other preachers/teachers.

  6. Thank you Lord, I once told a fellow brother that I can know all I want to know about God without going to the seminary and he said no. I laughed, thank you for this video.
    Knowledge of the kingdom depends on the student.
    Nothing is yours until you discover it. Powerful!

  7. Very great teaching 👏,,my spirit feel at peace when ever I am listening to Dr manroe, he is still influencing millions of people even after his death. I really love him very much.thank God someone introduced me to his teaching.

  8. Luke 18:23
    *Jesus did not say it's impossible for the rich man to enter the Kingdom

    Luke 8:9
    *Parables are stories with an hidden in this case we must take time to discover the truth behind the parable
    *God can not give us what we don't ask for .

    *Blessed are the poor in the Spirit for the Kingdom of God is theirs

    *The Kingdom of God is the only Kingdom where Education depends on the Student

    *What you don't discover isn't yours until you discover it .

    *It was hard for the Young man to understand the key to the Kingdom

    *The young man was ignorant to know that the key to the Kingdom is Giving than Receiving

    *The Kingdom of God makes us Rich

    *God knows His Creation

  9. Wow the mysteries of the Kingdom is still at work! Look at how this astute man of God is still pouring out almost a decade after his earthly journey. Thank you Sir for your blessings……rest easy!


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