1. God does not hate gay people…he created us just as he created you! Thou shall not judge lest ye be judged…..get right with God before it's to late…God loves all his children 🙏

  2. In total agreement. With the man and woman raising a child creates balance, which intern contributes to mental, physical and spiritual stability also the sense of wholesomeness as a person.

  3. Where in the bible does it state that god hates gays or trans the far right makes up shit as the far left so I'm saying no one is in the wrong no ones is in the right until proven evidence witch both sides have on each other

  4. Stupid argument. And when god kills the mother at birth, who disrupted the program? How about when the father dies early, say of cancer? Both times those deaths could've been stopped by god but I guess the program isn't so important. 🤷

  5. I know of women single and not gay who have raised children who are gay.. so no this is not True I know of 2 men who has raised males and the children have grown to be scholars who were not gay. The Bible also talks about judgement. Think about it. 🤔 That comes from that same Bible you’re preaching from. Don’t skip verses or use it to make a point. Use it to teach people to love everyone. Period.

  6. Truth, Truth. No one preached about hell more than Jesus. Read the scriptures. He's a God of love but will never ever condone sin. All of us are God's creation, but we are not all His children. Jesus is not only after sexual sins but anything that is an offense to Him, He will not accept. That includes lying, stealing, unforgiveness, idolatry etc etc. If I am offended by what this man is saying, then I need to check my heart. I need to make a choice: Do I love my sin more than I love Christ. This is the acceptable time of the Lord because the time is coming when the truth of His word will be scarce. This is the time for us all to repent and seek His face. When I hear His word and get convicted, then He's still with me. However, whenever I hear the word and want to justify my sin, He probably has given me over to my lustful and deceiving heart. Don't ever stop convicting me, Lord. Have mercy on me!


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