Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason explains how to rephrase the question that stops Christians in their tracks. #StandtoReason …


  1. Here are some common questions and helpful resources on Hell —

    If sin is finite, why is Hell eternal?

    Why did God create people if he knew so many would go to Hell?

    How can we square God's desire for all to be saved with the existence of Hell?

    What’s the difference between Hell, Hades, Sheol, and Gehenna?

    Did Jesus descend into Hell?

    Be sure to check out Tim Barnett's three-part series on why STR believes Hell is biblical:

    Here are two problems that Hell solves:

    Let us know if you have any additional questions, and we'll either update these links or consider your questions for the #STRask podcast!

  2. We agree. Commit a crime, you deserve a punishment. In the law, however, there is the concept that the punishment should fit the crime. Apparently, God does not have that attitude. There is one punishment for every sin whether it is serious or not. So the teenager who masturbates in the privacy of his room gets the same punishment as Hitler who murdered tens of millions of people. They both burn screaming and writhing in agony in Hellfire for ever. My sweet old grandmother who wouldn't harm a fly is a peace loving Buddhist, not a Christian. It's everlasting Hellfire for her, Baby. Where do you see "God is Good" in that?

  3. The first question you asked is disingenuously nebulous. Should a moral crime (with no demonstrable harm to others) be punished, and how is such a crime objectively defined?
    (It's odd that a Prosecuting Attorney wouldn't catch the fact that you're Leading The Witness, a questioning method that any decent attorney would object to in court.)
    Either way, even if I agree with the premise of your first two questions, our belief that wrongdoing should be punished is not evidence that it actually will be. Unless you can furnish objectively observable evidence of that, your answer to, "Why do I need Jesus," is irrelevant. Also, is it objectively moral to let someone else be tortured to buy our own freedom.

  4. The problem with his arguments are many. I can commit a "moral crime" just by telling a lie. That doesn't mean I would go to jail for it. He is comparing apples and oranges as if they are the same thing. The thing is, sin is not what sends you to hell. John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. It never says anything about sin anywhere in the 3rd chapter of John. So, according to this scripture, you can get into heaven as long as you believe. Sin isn't in the equation.

  5. You missed the opportunity to share the gospel it's Jesus Christ at Calvary cross Only it's not religion remember there will be people in hell that believe in God Satan believe in God and knows there is God the big religion is catholic.. 80 percent of catholic priest are openly gay sodamy loving priest start there God sent 2 angles to Sodom and Gomorrah maybe pray God will send them to Rome

  6. He starts out fine and then around 5:15 he INVENTS a "judge". Where the hell did he/she/it come from? And what crime did I commit other than this vague "wrongness" he gets to in the beginning? And, most importantly, how does he know that Jesus is the judge? He just asserts that without any of the logic/evidence from the beginning of the piece. How come it's not Buddha, or Thor, or Ahura Mazda? An assertion made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.

  7. What got me a believer? All the supernatural aspects of the bible and an encounter. Religion and Christianity has a bad history. Not because of the gentiles and believers Because of mans love of self, power, wealth and an excuse for weird lust and sacrifice. 70 AC was as evil as 2023. The attack on christianity right now is puposeful. They are racing to lure as many away as possible, there not much time left. They are at war becsuse they dont have a second chance. Theyve been given a false promise that if God has no people to rapture, the prophesy fails and they win earth. Wont happen though. Unlike the first do-over, theres an uncountable number of good hearts this time, all who hate the evil in this world.

    Jesus wants to know you and you he. Period. Thats it. Simple. You were created with an eternal soul and you only have two choices when real life begins after this school. Its your choice. One place is for an evolved humanity and the other place was created the fallen angels who will not receive redemtion and their offspring. If you choose to follow them on earth, youll remain with them eternally. If you find Jesus, youll find perfection. Unlike evilness, jesus wont lure you, trick you, or demand you. He is humble and kind and offers those who call on him 100 fold of what earth ever offered.

    "the meek shall inherit the earth".

    This world is under the influence of evil. Evil had 6000 to do his thing Its been 5993 now (give or take) and the bible is about to conclude. Every book has an ending. In this book, Man overcame evil and therefore proved he can walk with God on the new earth. Despite what hollywood, AI, news…. try to portray, we are the majority. They are just louder with lots of funding. The world was originally designed for a Garden of Eden. The fat cats ruined it. If you are unaware about whats to come. You need to look into the last book of the bible. Many cover it on utube. Most are good, but fakes are startibg to show up. When you believe in Jesus and his enourmous sacrifice he made for you, he will give you a supernatural gift. We are human so it not anything like Jesus did. But youll know it when it comes. If you are still reading, consider yourself blessed. You were chosen to start your walk with Jesus. Thats how he do it! =) Call him, he has so much to tell you.

  8. If people do wrong should they be punished?

    Isn't it more important to repair the wrong than punish the wrongdoer? If someone, for example, steals my car, would I feel better if they were imprisoned? No, their punishment doesn't really replace my car, nor the trouble I went through. Would I want them tortured for eternity for stealing my car? Absolutely not.

    Also – while that's a neat rhetorical trick – using questions to get your interlocutor to agree with you, it is also a little underhanded and people will notice. Ray Comfort does that with his 'have you ever lied' schtick. I am pretty sure it pushes more people away than it attracts.

    See – you change it there at 3:50 – "people who do wrong things should not get away with them" is different from "people who do wrong things should be punished". And this base ignores reciprocity. If a child shoplifts a piece of candy, should they receive the same punishment as someone who murders their parents? how about someone who just disagrees with you? Is that 'doing wrong'?

    Oh – so you are going the same way as Ray after all. If you want to have a serious conversation, let's have a serious conversation – I will even admit that I have done things that I knew at the time were wrong and regret doing them and have not made restitution for them (and there is no reasonable way for me to do so now). So what – does that mean I should be punished? I mean you think so, but I do not. And what about you? Have you done wrong things and now you get to evade punishment? That's unjust by your own standards!

    I do not accept substitutionary atonement – that too is unjust. If someone breaks my arm, even granting your standard that they ought to be punished for that (I guess Christians no longer turn the other cheek?), I certainly would not agree that some other person who has not harmed me should be punished in their stead. Now would I agree that someone should take my due punishment – the more so if they were truly innocent and my punishment was going to be extreme. That is barbaric.

    As I don't agree that punishment is the necessary response to a wrong, it is doubly wrong to punish an innocent person for another's misdeed.

    Yeah – your 'tactical' approach fails with me – I suspect it failed with the person in your story too.

  9. I'm wondering, will gods punishment be eternal also. Will he punish himself for all of the genocide god performs in the bible? Such as the ridiculous story of Noah and all the innocent animals and people that die in the flood? For defending slavery as the bible defends slavery in the bible? For all of the innocent children with horrible diseases etc. that a loving god allows? I could go on and on. This video shows how religious people are like present day news media. They spin the questions with half truths and deflect a the question and not answering the question by posing an unrelated question of their own. CNN would love you as a news journalist.

  10. The question isn’t about the exclusivity of Christ but the exclusivity of his so called followers. It really annoys me at the vitriol many of you have on baptism and salvation when someone shows exactly how low a bar Jesus set. And for once I’d like one of you to actually refrain from committing one of the sins in Roman’s 1:25-30, 1 cor 6:1-10, and 1 Tim 1:10 while being on you’re high horse. It’s as if you think you don’t sin.

  11. The biggest problem is almost everybody (believers and non believers) thinks Hell is an eternal torment of sinners. When you don't figure out from the Bible that point of view is wrong and NOT biblical you give the enemy that ammunition to make you and God unloving. Hell is very real but the purpose is to destroy the sinner not torment the sinner. Just read your bible to find this is true:
    Job 37:23
    The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in his justice and great righteousness, he does not OPPRESS.

    PSALM Chapter 6:4-5 Turn, O Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. No one REMEMBERS you when he is dead. Who praises you from the grave?

    PSALM Chapter 7:5 Then let my enemy pursue and overtake me; let him trample my life to the ground and make me SLEEP in the dust. Selah.

    PSALM Chapter 22:29 All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him—those who CANNOT keep themselves ALIVE.

    JB's NOTES: Are you awake yet? You can not keep yourself alive, only God can do that.
    And if you can not keep yourself alive that means you can not be eternal if you have rejected Jesus who is our salvation!

    PSALM Chapter 37:1-2 Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon DIE AWAY.

    PSALM Chapter 37:10 a little while, and the wicked will BE NO MORE; though you look for them, they will not be found.

    PSALM Chapter 37:20 But the wicked will PERISH: The Lord's enemies will be like the beauty of the fields, they will vanish – vanish like smoke.

    PSALM Chapter 37:35-36 I have seen a wicked and ruthless man flourishing like a green tree in its native soil, but he soon passed away and was NO MORE; though I looked for him, he could not be found.

    PSALM Chapter 37:38 But ALL sinners will be DESTROYED; the future of the wicked will be cut off.

    PSALM Chapter 39:5 you have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man’s LIFE is but a BREATH.

    PSALM Chapter 39:13 Look away from me, that I may rejoice again before I depart and am NO MORE.

    PSALM 59:13 Consume them in wrath, consume them, that they may NOT BE: and let them know that God ruleth in Jacob unto the ends of the earth. Selah.

    PSALM Chapter 73:27 Those who are far from you will PERISH; you DESTROY all who are unfaithful to you.

    PSALM Chapter 78:39 He remembered that they were but FLESH, a passing breeze that does not return.

    Psa 82:5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

    Psa 82:6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’

    Psa 82:7 But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.”

    Psa 90:3
    You turn people back to dust, saying, “Return to dust, you mortals.”

    PSALM Chapter 90:3-5 you turn men back to dust, saying, "Return to dust, O sons of men." For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. You sweep men away in the SLEEP OF DEATH; they are like the new grass of the morning.

    PSALM Chapter 92:6-9 The senseless man does not know, fools do not understand, that though the wicked spring up like grass and all evildoers flourish, they will be FOREVER DESTROYED. But you, O Lord, are exalted forever. For surely your enemies, O Lord; surely your enemies will PERISH; all evildoers will be scattered.

    PSALM Chapter 94:23 He will repay them for their sins and DESTROY them for their wickedness; the Lord our God will DESTROY them.

    JB's NOTES: Wow the good Lord repeats himself twice in one verse that he destroys those who sin and those who are wicked.

    Psa 102:19
    “The LORD looked down from his sanctuary on high, from heaven he viewed the earth,

    Psa 102:20
    to hear the groans of the prisoners and release those condemned to death.”

    PSALM Chapter 104:35 But may sinners VANISH from the earth and the wicked BE NO MORE. Praise the Lord, O my soul. Praise the Lord.

    JB'S NOTES: How much more clear can you get with the words: “BE NO MORE”?!!!

    PSALM Chapter 115:17-18 It is not the dead who praise the Lord; those who go down to SILENCE; it is we who extol the Lord both now and forevermore. Praise the Lord.

    JB’s NOTES: With all these Psalms verses we read here, it looks like King David knew the truth about life and death.?

  12. Jesus solved the problem of sin ? Is this guy trying to be funny ? However forgiveness is important ! If I don't forgive my self God won't forgive me . That's how important forgiveness is . I like this Christan man …

  13. Yes. If you have the gospel shared with you and you reject Christ you will go to hell on judgement day. That is the entire purpose of the gospels existence… that it may be shared to every corner of the earth and for each person to choose.

  14. "So you're saying that anyone who doesn't believe just like you is going to Hell." What a stoopid question. I don't think that if you don't believe like I do that you go to hell. Jesus didn't say that anyone who doesn't believe like I do is going to hell. Any real Christian would have NO trouble answering that question.

  15. It’s always amusing to listen to a human being creation that once never existed that now exists attempt to disprove God by looking around themselves and saying things like

    This happened therefore there mustn’t be a God

    That happened therefore there mustn't be a God.

    As soon as they open their mouth it sounds ridiculous because their words are void of …truth. They most likely don’t even know what the word evens means.

    The reason they sound ridiculous is because they don’t start at the beginning. The truth that is there for everyone to see in plain sight.

    That needs no proof. The truth comes alive and hits you in the face when you hear it:

    A human being is a creation. You and I are a creation.

    A human being is created in the womb of its mother. You and I were created in the womb of our mother.

    We once never existed and now we exist. Being.

    Do you understand that simple point. We once never existed and now exist. We are a creation.

    Created in the factory called the womb. That spark called life when we exited the factory called the womb no one knows what it is. That ON switch no one knows what it is.

    Every factory around the world that produces anything was built by thought and design. It is run by people and machines that in turn were built by people. Every item in the factory that is used to build the product was created by thought and design. By hours and hours of time and people and thought and testing. These factories produce simple items like plastic buckets to more complex items like a TV, cars, computers. All which took hours of thoughts and design and people to come up with and build.

    The finished product that comes out of these factories is final. It slowly deteriorates and then is thrown out or recycled.

    Inside the womb however is no one building the human being. It is the most advanced factory ever built. It was designed and it is far more complex than you could ever imagine.

    From a small egg and sperm the egg is fertilised. Then over 9 months from an egg, a human being is created. As food comes into the womb which is the building material, the egg grows and grows. It expands in all directions. It is not static. It continues to grow and expand over these 9 months. It creates body parts required to eat, breakdown food, clean fluids, breathe in oxygen, create bloodstreams that carry oxygen, it creates millions of cells, it creates arms, legs that move that have cartridge, that have muscle, it creates hair and hair factories called hair follicles, it creates eyes that see and a mouth that chews and swallows and eats and a nose that smells and tastes and breathes it creates lungs that turn air into oxygen it creates skin, it creates a head and inside that head a brain. It creates intestines and a heart and blood and bones and it creates the things we don’t even know about and SOMEHOW it binds them altogether and CONNECTS them altogether to make a living breathing eating human BEING creation.

    This human being exists and is switched on with the unknown spark of life when it exists the womb and begins to eat and learn and this creation continues to grow and expand. Somehow each organ inside the body that was created in the womb continues to expand and grow. The bones, heart, mind, head, liver, intestines, veins, arteries, muscles, skin, head and everything in between CONTINUE TO GROW AND EXPAND IN PROPORTION as the human being creation continues to eat over years.

    This human being creation learns and reads and can understand and then make things and do things and somehow through ignorance and listening to the lies of their fellow man they conclude there is no God.

    What a joke.

    The spark of life is given by God. You and I being the creation will never know or understand the power of God. In fact it’s plain stupidity to even guess. It’s impossible.

    But God does exist. He really does. He is your true Father and Creator who gave you the GIFT of life and who wrote the Holy Bible for you to learn the truth on how to live. He really did come to us as Jesus Christ. And He really wants you to have eternal life through Jesus Christ who said, I am the way, the life and the truth.

    Don’t listen to lies of other human being creations. The earth is plagued with lies. The Holy Bible has all the answers you seek.

    The Holy Bible is called the Word of God because it is written by God. Not man. You can trust it. God is above all creations. He is the Creator. The Giver of life. Trust in God your Father who gave you life. Not man. Never man.

  16. The Christian god Jesus is Satan the devil and he is not coming back
    Christians worship Satan with a human sacrifice of Jesus to Satan
    You’ve been deceived
    Repent accept jahovah and do good works

  17. If someone asks me that same question, I'll say yes, you will end up in outer darkness because you chose not to seek God nor His Son. No one sends you to hell, you choose to go there by worshipping either your own vanity or human arrogance. If that seems harsh it's not, for if you truly seek the Kingdom of God with all your heart, it will lead you to Holy Yeshua- Christ Jesus. That would be my answer and if they didn't like it well alot of people hate the truth, my Holy Bible says we will be hated for loving Christ, they hated Him first, so this dudes whole monologue about people not liking him is just moot. Your caring more about your ego than the truth of the Gospel. I know that when I found Christ truly, I was healed of deep traumas and can say I'll never be the same, however my life didn't get easier, no in fact it got harder it seemed the whole world was against my lady and I, but we knew Christ was with us and know that this life will be hard especially trying to follow Christ, we were delivered from our strife but still struggle everyday. Loving Christ isn't about what people think about you it's about what God thinks of You, what Holy Christ Jesus thinks of you, and your daily (PERSONAL-HOLY SPIRIT) relationship with Him. Dude needs to read up a little more.

  18. You missed the big question . . . once he agrees that he HAS done bad things . . . I find MOST people fall back on the issue of "but they weren't that bad. I didn't kill or rape anyone. I work hard. I love my family and try to be a good neighbor, etc." If you don't address the issue of God's holiness and demand for perfection (which is imputed to the saved from Christ's sinless walk), you don't clear the way. You must show that any type of sin, no matter how small, is enough to keep one out of Heaven. People will get into this "well, I've done a lot more good than bad in my life and that should mean SOMETHING." You must address God's holy demand for perfection for anyone dwelling in his presence and you must address that your works don't save you, because all the good works in the world do not counter the presence of sin.

    In other words, you need to actually be ready to present the full gospel. The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth.


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