Today, I’ll be explaining why despite being a secular Dreamworks movie; Prince of Egypt manages to beat all official competition …


  1. I remember watching Prince of Egypt for the first time at my old Sunday School when I was really young and leaving a big impact on me growing up not only on understanding on why the story of Moses is important but it's also one of many features that made me see animation and film as things I am truly passionate about and cherish so it's great that the film is getting more and more recognition over the years as one of Dreamworks' best pictures. It's biggest achievement is being a truly beloved film by both religious and non-religious people, unbelievably impressive and shows how cinema can trancened anything and perhaps everything.

  2. Well, this might be the best Christian animated film, but I am a real big fan of "The Passion of the Christ", because it changes the way you view the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. I do recommend that you watch the film, but I must warn you, it is very sad and thought-provoking.

  3. i love this movie, and kind of off topic, you should watch Made In Abyys, its a slow start but extraordinary heart wrenching, and the only show to make me cry just after a 8 second clip of it. Its a hiddem gem, and deserves a ton more attention

  4. I am so glad to have seen you cover this one. I discovered your channel recently from the Kappa Mikey videos, and majorly enjoyed all of your work, you raise points I was convinced that I was alone in thinking. And yeah, I get the point you made regarding Gods of Egypt. As someone who has researched so so much about Egyptian religion, I was absolutely dissapointed.
    Prince of Egypt in comparison gave me such happy vibes when I saw songs like Playing with the Big Boys, and how they made such beautiful visuals and metaphors and… gosh it’s just so good!!

  5. I'm a firm believer that if Shrek didn't get as big as it did, Prince of Egypt wouldn't be as underrated, and we'd have more (and importantly good) animated Bible stories. I will fight on this hill!

  6. Prince of Egypt was my first movie I saw in theaters as a kid and it is definitely in my top 10 movies of all time. So needless to say it has a special place in my heart.

    Also being a believer myself I appreciate what you had to say about the negative portrayal of the nonbelievers in "God's Not Dead." It never did sit right with me either, especially making that professor character as extreme as he was. I would have liked it if the professor took the approach of debating the student a little less personally at first, have him enjoy having a more good natured challenge and answering the student's tough questions from his more atheist perspective. But when the student starts addressing issues that hit close to home, especially ones that remind him of his passed on Christian mother, that is when the professor would take the debates more personally and become more harsh. That way it would have given the professor more nuance and would have made him more sympathetic.

  7. As an agnostic myself a few that I am fond of are The Fourth Wise Man (completely fictionalized story within the story of the gospel), Shadowlands (a movie about C.S. Lewis, famous Christian author), the original Ten Commandments (though I do prefer Prince of Egypt) and It’s a Wonderful Life

  8. The Prince of Egypt has got to be my favorite animated film of all time, and my favorite favorite movie in general. Well, the latter after Wings of Desire and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

  9. I think the reason why movies like God’s Not Dead fail is because, at the end of the day, it’s Evangelical propaganda. Hence, why they go through such lengths to demonize the other side.

    Prince of Egypt was simple trying to tell a story, so it feels way more authentic and true to the morals of the story.

  10. I only ever saw this movie once and I remember really liking it but it was my cousins and I never saw it again… still beautiful and I really felt for both sides.. even if it was clear who was the villain

    For horrific Christian movie I’d say the war room
    Yes please tell women to bottle up every negative thing they think and say to make the abusive marriage work and learn to never express even the little things that annoy them for their husbands sake

  11. Hmm, i still maintain that some live action films like Passion of the christ, Jesus christ Superstar, Kingdom of Heaven, and Cromwell hold a little bit higher postion of equal footing in terms of best Christian movie of all time, even though yes Cromwell and Kingdom of Heaven are more about history, they convey similar messages of how god is of his people and not at the command of kings, or how holding to hold to faith, much like prince of egypt. so i count them . But this is definitely the most top tier animated Christian flick ever made.

  12. In Doug Walker’s defense, he didn’t say that “Prince of Egypt” was a remake of “The Ten Commandments”, but rather they were the most iconic and widely recognized film adaptations of the story of Moses – hence the need to compare them. Much like his “Batman/Dark Knight” video, he was determining which version he felt was the superior film adaptation.

  13. So my BF and I have a SHOCKING amount of cultural differences for people who grew up just one state and a couple years apart (he’s from one of the biggest cities in Iowa and I’m from a tiny Missouri farm town literally EXACTLY where moralton is on the map) but the strangest one for me is that, despite now being a Wiccan, I was raised very Christian while his family was completely secular his whole life. That means I will REGULARLY bring up or rewatch some of the better Christian shows I grew up with like veggie tales and the prince of Egypt movie and it confuses the hell out of him why I still love what are essentially bible stories as a non-Christian adult, especially bc so much Christian entertainment (and most of what he’s been exposed to) is SO BAD even by the standard of devoted Christians. He doesn’t have issues with but is particularly perplexed that I’ve told him if we have kids or when we start having nieces and nephews to look after I fully extend to show them these shows despite not having any plans to raise them religious (to be clear I’d be supportive of a Christian kid and teach them about religion if they wanted to know, I just wanna give them the option to choose their own beliefs without feeling like they have to be what their parents were) bc some of these shows and ESPECIALLY this movie are amazing regardless of the religious messages they come with.

  14. Are you mixing up Gods of Egypt with Exodus: Gods and Kings? Gods of Egypt is about Egyptian mythology, Exodus: Gods and Kings is based on the Exodus story. Both are awful movies.

  15. tbh, when you compare Christian lit to Christian films. They lose by a massive landside but this is because writers like Dostoevsky understood not to push it in your face and make religious themes in the background. This is good because narratives aren't pushing religion in their face but rather letting their religious themes influence on a grander level. This can be seen with classical music, classical music has a spiritual side to it but it doesn't push it in you rather, the music provides an experience that allows for spiritual experiences to be invoked. Movies like silence and hacksaw can be seen as Christian movies but their religious themes are in the background influencing the foreground.

  16. Yes, the story of Moses was first documented in Jewish doctrine (which is incorporated into Christian doctrine via the Old Testament). However, as I am not Jewish, I can’t speak for the community. Since the story is part of the Christian Bible, I am speaking from that perspective.

    Hope that clarifies everything up…even though I say the same thing in the video.


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