I was shocked to hear about John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, The Little Mermaid, Super Mario Bros, Indiana Jones: The Dial of …


  1. What if The princess and frog was made into a movie and Mila Kunis played Tiana….OR make a movie about Harriet Tubman and is played by Lucy Lui.

  2. I love Paul Washer. I truly do. But this time, I am afraid he is misunderstanding the issue. Feminists do not hate women. They are women- and they cannot possibly hate who they are. The society is in a trouble not because of feminism- it's in trouble because there are too many cowards and good-for-nothing "men" on this planet. A girl does not wake up one day and decides to be a feminist- she is used and abused for years by cowardly males first. Men are a bunch of spoiled brats who think that women are just a plaything, something to be used and disposed of, something that is just an appendix they can paraded around or something men can beat to death. Well, my dear males, women were created perfectly equal, that's the biblical truth. We are no "lesser" humans that need to be "rescued". Thanks, I can rescue myself better than any of you could do it. Neither are we made to be unpaid domestic servants for your lazy butts. For God made Eve as a helper for Adam- that is He made women just as capable as men (a helper is the one that does NOT need help, it's plain old common sense). He also made it a curse for a woman to seek a husband. I will repeat it: it is a curse to want a husband. That's Genesis 3 for you.
    If anything, (women) feminists are feeling utterly sorry for the mombies and for the trad wives. It's a horrible way to live a life- to be stuck in a golden cage, without own income, without any real life. Yes, you have food and roof over your head and you can rot all day in loungewear but it is a nightmare all the same- your entire existence depends on a spazing toddler-man with an ego bigger than the universe. I would never wish it on my worst enemy..so why would I wish it on any women?

  3. If women can control their emotions then why are they always getting so butt hurt anymore? Just before you comment im a woman and the fact that you wanted to tell me what for proves my point

  4. This is true that there is an agenda. I love strong female characters because there are strong women in real life but in shows like The 100 where every female character is super smart and strong, mentally and physically, and they never waver while all the men are either dumb, mentally weak, easily manipulated and turn evil then it's obvious there's an agenda at hand. I liked that show in the beginning but then it just became nonsense. The lead female character fights lions and big monsters and she wins easily because she is super smart while men easily get defeated. She sees many loved ones die and remains mentally strong while one male character lost his mind because his loved one died. They are so skinny and small and the big evil men hit them repeatedly and they still stand strong while they who are skinny and small just hit those big men once and the men go down. It's so unrealistic. And the armys everyone fears the leader is a super skinny woman who doesn't have any muscle. And to add salt to the injury, the only strong and cool male character got easily manipulated and joins the bad side so the perfect lead female character kills him. It's such a shame the show turned that way, it's a great story but when all the female characters are perfect and all the male characters are imperfect and get killed, it's just garbage.

  5. The MARIO BROTHERS MOVIE was great!! Took my grandsons & we all loved it! Absolutely entertaining & we stay out of the movies & away from TV because it’s one bad agenda after another!! You could see that Mario Brothers was just fun entertainment!! That’s hard to find in today’s society!

  6. The Lies Of Satan Have Nothing To Hide.. Just Dont Watch Them ..Get A Crucifix And Observe It Always In Suplication To Jesus Christ The Lord. Stop Buying Satans Lies On Video

  7. I wonder if Ford knew when he was cast back and made this movie he was going to be presented in it as this old and less hero to his character and a woman takes the more hero roll.? This had to hurt him afterwards watching the opening! To be portrait in this manner makes me wonder also if our best A lists actors have stopped acting because they will not be the glammer of Hollywood,but just a face to make money that they Hollywood has lost in revenue. Hollywood is so desperate for old actors to act that they would even if they have to disappoint them and the reputation of their old actors afterward. This push for men to be Trans is to make men soft in personality so that the world can have better control over softy men who are women and women to be like men is even if they look like a man they still has the softy of a woman. So this means in the end the governments of the world will have better control over us if we are all women! It's why they Hollywood bring men down so much. It's actually like a mockery in Hollywood, and if like myself stands up for men or men for men, we get attacked as fascist!

  8. Men being on top of the societal hierarchy for centuries and women are considered property. All is fine in the world. Feminism growing not even a decade yet and it's the most horrible thing to ever exist. Okay.

  9. I will never forget the day I decided to "let go" of certain friendships. We were sitting in a group discussing current events, I, as everyone else added my thoughts on the matter discussed, where one of my "So called friends" said, and I quote " Shut up, no one asked for the little housewives opinion stick to what you know, go do the dishes"
    Except she added a cuss word as well.
    Everyone laughed. I got up and went home and I have chosen to never see that group of woman again.
    I see being a stay at home Mom as a blessing and I am eternally grateful that we can afford this privilege. I love my Biblical role as a woman of God. I know some Mommy's have to work, and I also respect them. But as for me, I am confident that we made the right decision for our family

  10. A prime example of modern feminism is the first Wonder Woman movie. The main heroin lives on a planet that are all women. Wonder woman later says to her American male visitor that "women don't need men to survive. They only see them as offspring makers."

  11. Glad I never saw She Hulk after watching this video. The main protagonist claims she controls her anger, so that she doesn't destroy any men that "cat call" her on the street. So she's seen as the victim.

  12. I should correct u on the lil mermaid part. Hailey has been facing a lot of racist trolls n that fact u didn't recognise which I found odd. If u look at all social media, most comments n memes r racist n that's fact therefore, I don't really blame her taking things out of context sometimes coz of what she has gone through. Despite that I should agree with you on the whole feminist agenda on these movies, it's very pathetic.


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