Live from REST 2019 To hear more of Kim Walker Smith’s music go to: Jesus …


  1. The first time I heard this song I stood still for almost 30 minus and listing to it again and again there I heard Jesuss' voice in the song. Its there that I discovered the true me, and understand why the Bible said in the book of Romans that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, Jesus has paid it all. This song is for me and am sure it's for you too. Jesus has paid it all…. Oh my God

  2. I'm Asian and very impressed in this song. But I have some difficulties in understanding the chorus of this song.

    "sin had left a crimson stain"
    → 'Where my sin was, only the blood mark that Jesus spilled remained.'

    Can I understand like this context?

  3. This season, the Lord has proved to us that strength doesn't come from the world but from Him.

    As people of God, this is an advantage for us to serve more people by being an evidence that we do not rely and depend on what the world can give but what the Lord had paid for us. Let us all be a living testimony of God's grace! ❤️

  4. 이 전에 없었던 노래로 나 주님을 경배해, 노쇠한 버러지 같은 인생이 어찌 하겠 하겠습니까? 예수님은 유일한 소망입니다. 감사 합니다.

  5. Can you imagine how hell will be ? Remember when demons begged Jesus to send them into swine instead of hell , this is a clear indication that hell is not a place to laugh

  6. The very TOP of my Collection of Christian Worship Songs!! THANK YOU Ms Walker!! YAHWEH' BLESSINGS! See you ALL at the RAPTURE of the BELIEVERS…🙏🙏🙏💞


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