Was the Brownsville Revival a spontaneous move of God, or was it a carefully planned event? In this episode we show how there …


  1. a. The Longs say even paraphrasing the Bible by using "MORE" instead of "the Holy Spirit" is somehow a violation of the scripture. Well, what about saying 5 whole BOOKS of the NT are less than fully inspired or not inspired at all? That is what Martin Luther did. He did not mind judging the NT canon by his own doctrines even though his ideas contradicted the beliefs of the early teachers of the faith. That is much more of an attack on the canon than using "MORE" instead of "The Holy Spirit?" Sounds to me like a case of "straining at gnats and swallowing camels"

    b. Dan Long SEEMS to think that everything that deviates from the standard practices of the Lutheran Church is not of God. After all, Luther did not teach his followers to dance and leap. Moreover dancing and leaping is similar to the practices of voodoo. However, David did this, not as a form, but as an act of spontaneous personal worship:

    c. And David, wearing a linen ephod, danced with all his might before the LORD, 15 while he and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting and the sounding of the ram’s horn.…
    (2 Samuel 6:14-15)
    This is not be a practice in the Long's church to the point that, if it did happened, they might have to ask whether or not it was being inspired by the Devil. Still, I assure you it is common in many Messianic Churches who dance because it has a place in their traditions of celebration

    d. I do not know any of the people featured in the Long's video one of whom said they felt "heat spreading across their body" which they interpreted to be the working of the power of God. Robin thinks that if people experience that sort of thing then she must have an assurance of having the same experience. I do not see the scriptures giving assurances of particular physical reactions nor do I think pursuing such experiences has spiritual value.

    e. Of course it is true that the Spirit is not a PHYSICAL SENSATION which is not to say we might not have physical reactions to the Holy Spirit or His power. Many people have felt sensations whether God is working THROUGH them or ON them.
    …45 "Who touched Me?” Jesus asked. But they all denied it. β€œMaster,” said Peter, β€œthe people are crowding and pressing against You.” 46 But Jesus declared, β€œSomeone touched Me, for I know that POWER has GONE OUT from Me.”
    (Luke 8:45-46)
    He did not say the Father TOLD Him that healing power had gone out. Neither did He say He felt peace that the person's prayer was suddenly answered. The word power DUNAMIS specifically means the power that performs miracles.

    e. Paul said that his gift for ministry was the result of "WORKING of God's power within him" Whether that occurred when Ananias laid hands on him or when the Elders of Antioch did I do not know but that experience had an ongoing effect. Paul said that afterward:
    I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace, given me through the WORKING of His POWER (Ephesians 3:7).

    f. The word WORKING is energeian (ἐνέργΡιαν) which is the root of the English term "energy" – energy being; "POWER IN ACTION" (Wm. Barclay, More NT Words, 46).
    EnΓ©rgeia is identified in Strongs as word# 1753, "divine energy" Typically it refers to God's energy which transitions the believer from point to point in His plan. From what you have said it seems as if any believer experiences something like this then it is to be automatically suspected as coming from the Devil even Paul's own experience which he described in Ephesians 3:7

  2. It concerns me that the only comments that are here are from people who had a bad experience because they didn't feel what other people felt. There were hundreds of thousands of people who came to the revival who were saved and are still saved and living for God. Be careful what you say is or isn't God. I was there, saved, filled with the holy spirit and am still in love with Jesus. It was spontaneous and not planned. You cannot fake the power of God. The experiences I had were not forced or fake and were from the Lord and no one can take that from me. I'm sorry that these people who had such a hard time with it feel the way they do however, not everyone for the most part experienced it negatively. God WAS there and still is. His presence is still as sweet and as powerful as it was then.

  3. I have watched y’all’s videos on The Toronto Blessing, The Lakeland revival and now the Brownsville revival, and while I do agree that we need to test all things, and that there were very strange things that took place at these revivals I do have a question that maybe someone can address.

    If demonic spirits are behind these revivals why would they be leading people closer to Jesus? Why would their love for the Lord increase after being touched by the Holy Spirit if that’s not what’s really happening.

    Demonic spirits would never lead people into a closer relationship with Jesus. I don’t understand what the enemy gains from it if it is truly him behind it.

  4. I think it is God getting more of us. Surrendering to God. Seeking God’s Face. Not seeking the pleasures of this world. In the Old Testament God was a cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. Some Christians today might call that of the devil. Something they don’t understand with their carnal fallen thinking. We have to think like heaven. Nothing is impossible with God To have the mind of Christ. There are Christians who don’t like things they can’t explain. There was a word given that this move of God won’t be stopped. I have heard of revivals where the bars would shut down. God says to become filled with the all fullness of God. God is Spirit. Christians are to test the spirits β€” are they of God? Then the fruit. I have been speaking out God’s Word for several years now that He pours His Spirit out on all flesh in the end times. God’s Word does not return void. I read a comment where someone said they had been praying for 50 years for a revival. All God’s Promises are yes and amen.

  5. Don't trust this. It's the work of the devil and effort of witches and dark priests to involve themselves in the verbiage and deception of not only the video but all the fraudulent comments. This man and woman are cold as ice. There's no light in there eyes and when they speak it's clear they don't know God. Agents of darkness

  6. I know you won't pay no attention I've been following the Lord for 50 years I met Jesus in the penitentiary I had plenty of sin and he came to me personally now you can sit in and put down these people that say they want more all I hear you saying is you are the experts and this is all fake and set up well if you aren't fake and your church where you go to isn't but man's program then I would say you better be careful you are sitting there who judging you what makes you qualified to say what is God and what is it if I look back at your life you're telling me that you haven't changed in hunger and thirst for more you people in this wife of yours I don't believe she has any more insight than you do I know you're not listening to this but I'm going to reap beuq just like your rebuking all these other people shame on you what signs are following you and your so-called pretty anointed wife why aren't you spending your time preaching the word of God instead of criticizing what's being done over here or over there shame on you people this is why the church today is a big joke it's picking on each other the same as a marriage you pick on each other and it's not going to work divided we fall united we stand

  7. I only reads gods word the Bible, cause that’s all the word god has to guild us any thing out side of the Bible is wrong, and is not god the Holy Spirit is the Bible, and I don’t listen to anyone else but gods word, unless I can argue and tell them where they are wrong and I’m right in god cause I know the Bible full and the Bible has no flaws. It’s 100 percent right. All though the Bible did have 80 books in it 150 years ago, but those are false book so god removed them. And the time that Jesus prayed alone in the garden he later told the sleeping desiples what he said alone there after they woke up. And though he wish no one should perish, he did predestination Judas to be destroyed, but we won’t talk about predestination or Calvin or speaking in tounges or gifts that don’t exist any more cause we have a Bible that I know better than anyone, did I All ready say that? So the gift of miracles, yep no more, gift of faith, yep no more, gift of discernment, yep no more, gift of faith, you don’t have it. It’s left to with the holyspirit cause he left us a 100 percent accurate Bible, so we can read god true word in our own intellectual understanding, it’s just that my understanding is better that yours. Don’t be mad. It’s gift,,, I mean, yeah not a gift from god, cause I just got done saying he does not give gifts any more. This gift I gave to myself with my own self effort to study to show myself approved, be for all the other Christian’s that I’m righter that they are cause in know the Bible better, and that’s why I am holyer. I mean come on that’s what I do. It’s my ministry to tell the dumb Christian’s why they are wrong in their belief, and to stay away from all ministies or go cause they are all wrong, except for my church circle, which is me, I’m a church of one, that’s cause I’m skeptical of any thing that does not line up with the Bible which all ministies have failed at, except mine of corse. And I will tell you every revival is false, cause I have not had one yet, that would involve someone getting saved and I’m saved already, and if someone where to get saved they would be full of false theology and I’d have to tell them, they are wrong also and they don’t believe the right way. Man it’s lonely being the only one that’s right. I guess it’s just me myself and I. O and Jesus Christ he’s right. In reality we cannot see the beauty of the jungle cause we worry in fear of what we know little about, the danger the bad the deception. Who seeking the face of Christ was ever wrong, and who can know the heart of man. O be careful son of man what you teach when you know so little of how god moves in his ways to reach the hungry hearts of those who cry for deliverance.

  8. The sheer oddness, weirdness of it … and a concern not only to the common man but to orthodox Christians too: the hysteria, the shouting of these pastors, their self-aggrandisement… like showmen… and there appears to be no biblical basis for their claims … to a nonbeliever this is so clearly human hysteria. Some of this behaviour appears like β€œpossession” (demonic or psychological depending on your views) witnessed in animist trances. But there is also a rather boring ubiquity about these preachers’ rhetoric- evidence that they learn rhetorical techniques from other preachers… the shouting, voice modulation, the dramatic pauses – all so contrived really! Compare all this to the gentle wisdom of, say, a rabbi on the radio addressing the everyday way to live and honour God! Sometimes I think Christians have a lit to learn from the dignity and wisdom of the Jews (I’m not Jewish btw). Why are Christians always chasing after emotional fireworks from God? You begin to manufacture what you chase, and self-deceived to coerce or manipulate others – this is the classic technique of the charlatan and showman. Did Jesus do this sort of thing? β€œHe will not cry aloud or lift up his voice, or make it heard in the street” comes to mind, and watching this mskes me ponder the deep, quiet wisdom of his teachings… these men seem like hucksters to me… deceiving the vulnerable, the gullible and the wilfully blind…

  9. What is so telling to me is that these revivals lead to nothing and go nowhere except right there .the experience. In scripture when God revived the nation of Israel a whole generation would be changed. Nowhere do they sing and flop around for weeks or months or year on end. They read scripture. Got rid of their idol. Obeyed the scripture and rebuilt what was torn down. They beat back enemies and occupied more territory.

  10. In the last days people will try to get you away from god. Try the spirits or people. False teachers.
    Brownsville was real . Attacking everything is of the evil.

  11. Ehhhh. Many of these churches are like the church of Corinth. And we need to address them like how Paul did. Not criticizing 100% of anything they do.πŸ™

    ***He did just say he felt good. He also said he wanted more of God. The God of The Bible.

  12. I was at the Brownsville Revival for 3 days in July 1997 a full 2 years after it started. I saw the incredible power of the Holy Spirit at work like I have never seen before or since. Most of you doubters just flat do not know of what you speak for β€œfor if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow itβ€”lest you even be found to fight against God.” Acts 5:38-39. It was real. I will say that until the day I die. Stop fighting against God.

  13. I remember this. And I know of Steve Hill pretty well he went to Teen challenge. I seen tapes of it back when it was going on. But I can’t see how they could stage that. The town was empty dumpsters full of drugs porn playboy bunnies getting saved just saying. And I’m not charismatic but πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  14. I can’t help but wonder if the β€œmore” they want isn’t indicative of the possibility that they may not actually know Jesus Christ. Experiences are addictive. They are deceiving. I have been in the midst of some of these churches. It is deceptive. I believe it is demonic deception.

  15. I feel so sad because my husband 100% believes in these revivals. He attended a church in Kansas City that is all about "revival." Yet since I went to that church I never once heard the gospel preached. Not once has anyone said open your bibles. It's all about what the spirit is doing, being slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues. Yet ironically a child who grew up in the movement later stated as an adult that it was all fabricated. My husband claims he would die for the experiences he has had there. When I go I feel more and more depressed because I'm not "touched by God." I believe the only touch I needed from God was the opening of my eyes and heart to know that the Gospel of Christ was true. I've now since said I don't want to go and he says I don't believe in the power of God. I do but not man made manifestations.

  16. Can you make a video on the Argentine Revival? Growing up, Tommy Hicks' vision of the sleeping giant was referred to a number of times in church. I want to know who Tommy Hicks was and what the Argentine revival was.

  17. Kilpatrick's fall is the fakest thing I have ever seen. He is a false prophet and a bad actor. He was begging people to "get in." Still the people didn't do it. Never the less, they claimed that it happened and people began to travel to Brownsville that are willing to "manifest." Stay away from this charlatan. He abused the flock, sucked the money, and then . . . quit!

  18. I dont understand something: he fot the anointment and brought it back to England. What does that mean? What did he get from Toronto & brought it back? Was ut simething physical, something you could hold in your hand. A certificate? What exactly is he getting?


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