We Warned Many EVANGELICALS About THIS, But They Didn’t Listen. We warned many evangelical Christians about the …


  1. Recently the Spirit of God showed me that the congregation of the living is joining the congregation of the dead, the falling away is happening as in 1st Tim 4:1 and 2nd Thes 2:3

    2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    People are heeding to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and they think they are on the Right Path, these are the last days, may many even as many as God has chosen to be blameless and Holy before Him in Love know Who Christ is for He says His Sheep follow Him for we know His Voice and we know not the voice of strangers thus we don't follow strangers, may many know the Truth.

  2. I did. I never watched any of the chosen. You can not read the Bible & then watch something that is not true. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️❤️

  3. I have always seen this kind of sermons as attacks but lately after I started reading the word for myself I understand that this is not an a attack but putting light where was non. Even proverbs say if you correct a wise person he will be glad but if you correct a fool he will attack you back, I know I was a fool but now I see God never changes

  4. So does the Scriptures explicitly say not to worship with your hands up?, or not to shout, or with all your heart? Does it say not to worship with weeping and tears? Not too loud, only quietly?

  5. The snooze state by grace movement is not of god but of the devil… If we were saved by grace alone kicking back on the sofa doing absolutely nothing but eating chips and watching tv then why does the Word of God say to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling

  6. The rosary is the most powerful weapon!!!!! lol..wat a clown…The BLOOD OF JESUS, THE NAME OF JESUS, THE WORD OF GOD, is Ur most powerful weapons against the enemy, if he doesn't kno that then he's ignorant or wrking for the enemy.

  7. So what do Evangelicals think John The Baptist and Jesus did in the wilderness? Christians have been meditating and chanting for 2000 years. Even the Apostles taught this.

  8. 2:18 observe this verse and observe the “we are the world” song on verse 3 sang by willie Nelson and he goes, “as god has shown us by turning stone to bread,” only satan was trying to tempt Yeshua to turn stone into a bread…

  9. Liar!!! We do not want to go to Rome… WE WANT THE THRUTH !!!!
    Preach the truth Satan!!!

    Oh yea, sorry, you can’t, your the father of lie’s 👹

  10. The translators of the nestles text (greek nt) did the same. All new versions of the Bible use it for the New Testament. It has been unfortunately in the church (none catholic) for a while. 9:03

  11. "We see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only." (James 2:24)

    In Romans 3:31, Paul says we are not free to ignore God's moral law. Salvation is Covenantal, not contractual. Sola fide is a lie. This channel promotes a false Gospel.

  12. ALLELUIA JESUS IS LORD!‼️💪💪💪✝️🛐✝️🛐📛🕊️🕊️🕊️😘😍🥰😇🌟🤗💞💓💕🤰🤱🧬🤰🤱❤️❣️💯💖🕯️💖🕯️💖🕯️✨👑✨🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺🙏🙏🙏🇹🇼🇨🇦🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽🦅‼️

  13. Yes read the Bible and study with God. N den u got ur prayer closet ur secret garden with God . That will bring u to God and also deliverance helps too

  14. I've been noticing a pattern of many YouTube channels in mainstream conservatism and middle of the row anti-woke channels having Catholics be the spokespeople for Christianity. This is very disconcerting when you understand the heresy that they believe and teach. I wouldn't be surprised if the Catholic charge returns as the wh-re Babylon that again is responsible for directing the execution of actual Christians.

  15. Cant imagine how rotten to the core you have to be to rip the bible up, when i started doing Bible study and was encouraged to write notes and highlight passages in my Bible, it filled me with anxiety, felt like i had gone into church and thrown a brick through an ancient stained glass window, putting a pen to the bible… so to actually rip one up, cant imagine that….

  16. And the holy rosary is the word of god , it is literally the life of Jesus . Jesus respected his mother and would want nothing more for her to be honoured . Very disappointing that this site would say Catholicism is not Christianity . Who were the first Christian’s , yes you said it Catholics , certainly not the relatively new made up church of evangelicals if we want to get down to brass tacks . Why be so divisive
    Idolatry is not the worship of Mary but the worship of false idols , the commandments make that very clear . Mary the mother of God is not a false idol but the true mother of Jesus and should be worshipped as such

  17. I never watch the Chosen and I will never!! Anybody that pray to an idol or a form of idol should be banish to hell forever!! Smh 🤦🏾‍♀️
    Also, praying to rosary is not a good thing! Catholic and Protestant is not the same thing.

  18. I thought the Chosen was beautiful. What Johnathan , a mere actor does in his free time should not detract from an amazing film. He is misguided and maybe his fame has gone to his head.

  19. So basically what this is saying is you can do as many bad works as you want but if you have the belief in god you will be saved . This is like saying a murderer who does knowingly as many murders as he wants and dosent care but because he says he believes in god he will be saved . I don’t think so , works and deeds matter that’s why Jesus told the story of the poor widow who gave her last penny to the poor , he said how righteous she was
    And we are not judged on our works ? Jesus said with this story that we are . There are many people jealous of the Catholic church and seek to u undermine it , beware those people

  20. Fellow, you mean well, but you know nothing.
    The Rosary IS praying through the “Bible.” That is what the Rosary is all about “focusing on a scripture passage of something that happened in Jesus’ life. Even the Hail Mary part is repeating a Biblical word of prophecy.
    There wouldn’t be evangelicals who just began in the last 100 years, had it not been for Catholic. There was only ONE Christian religion until Luther.
    You are just against Catholicism. When you don’t even understand it. Do you realize the Woman you persecute is the Mother of God…..the second Eve who said “Yes” to God’s plan. If there is a second Adam, there must be a second Eve. She chose and said “Let it be done unto me as you have said.” We eat of the fruit of her womb, Jesus in Holy Communion and become One with our Savior who died and rose again for our salvation.
    You are showing things here way out of context and being untruthful.
    You are just making content for your show. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  21. Mem i feel sry for those that are leading the world to the wrong path. Rosary? meditation like yoga,? The bible says its better not to be born than become a stone in someones path.. u can do whatever u want but you cannot escape the consequences..

  22. The jesuits have nothing to do with the Freemasons . Anyone who knows their history knows this
    It’s so funny when I see everyone calling Catholicism a wicked religion and the new religions after the reformation are the made up good religions It dosent really matter God will have his way and his Catholic Church the church set up by Peter, will succeed. In the end

  23. Thank y'all for making this video! Because I watched this video, I am turning away from my Catholic faith. Thank you for saving me!

    That's what y'all want me to say, right?? I kid, I kid.😅 I feel more myself connected to Our Lord through my faith than ever. This whole video is a misrepresentation of the Catholic faith. I strongly urge people to do their own research about Catholicism, which is a Christian faith. In fact, Catholics are THE original Christians. Just ask yourself where the Bible comes from. The Bible was completed by Catholics through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Read your Bible and the early Church Fathers. You won't be sorry.

    And another thing: what is the rosary but the Word of God? Every single word is from the Bible.

    In summary, this video is a misrepresentation of the Catholic faith. We are THE Christians. That there are so many videos attacking the faith emphasizes this. Why bother attacking the fake? That's why we don't see videos attacking the denominations but that attack Catholicism. The devil knows the Catholic faith is the true one. 🙅🏿‍♀️ Be blessed.

  24. Evangelicals are increasingly gravitating toward paganism and immorality. In other words, we are seeing the "turning away" happening right before our eyes at an alarming rate!

  25. You said at the beginning of this video that the Bible is the sole source for Christians, and you even quote where Jesus told Satan Man does not live by bread alone….., but you disregard the very end of St. John's Gospel, where John says If everything Jesus said and did were written down, the books of the world would not be able to contain them. You all disregard the longest teaching of Jesus in the Bible, the sixth chapter of John's Gospel. You put the unless you are born again part as the most important part of Christianity, but disregard unless you become as a little child…. Roman Catholicism was around almost 400 years before the first Bible was printed. And even that was centuries before they got in the hands of the people. You used the upside-down cross as a symbol of Satan when the prince of the Apostles Peter was crucified upside down. Was Peter condemned to hell because he felt unworthy to die as Jesus did?

  26. People love that all roads lead to Rome, it means the person made the way to God, regardles if you worship baal etc… The Satanist is also on a road to God? No.
    In reality all roads lead from Rome, this creation was made by God. Therefore all things are subject to God.

    This means, as long as you obey the rules of Gods creation ( the object reality and the spiritual reality) it will go well, but it does not mean you are saved, simply lost.
    If you want to find God, you would have to leave that road because it is built by man leading in the wrong direction. The road builders knew what they were doing and did so for their own selfish reasons (object reality or spiritual reality).


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