Check out the new trailer of Paul the Apostle. Plus, some other new releases on digital! All the latest and greatest news right here on Christian Cinema Weekly!

Pic of the Week: Is Genesis History?

Breaking the silence

Sister Elisabeth

Generational Gaps

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:42:54. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. In thirty years, Jim Caviesel will have played every major hero in the New Testament. Including Mary Magdeline and the Virgin Mary. All the Mary’s. He’ll have played everybody

  2. I lived in an area with a large Amish population for a period of time and now know enough about them to be extremely interested in the documentary. Thanks!

  3. Acts was written before the fire of Rome. The devil has abandoned the red suit and pitchfork, and has donned a red beard and a movie camera. The film-maker presents Paul as having basically lost his mind due to guilt, suffered an epileptic fit brought on by the guilt of having murdered Christians and spent the rest of his life trying to atone for it. The film-makers present Luke as covering for Paul’s ineptness at any kind of leadership and then writes the book of Acts by embellishing all the facts. There are no miracles presented in this movie, even in Paul’s flashback to his own conversion. His retelling of it and Luke’s later committing of it to text tells the Christian viewer that Luke basically lied because he and Paul agreed that it is better for a person to die believing in something that gives you hope rather than to save your family from being thrown to wild animals. I wasn’t surprised when I found out Roman Catholics made this film, after all, every one of their theologians have nursed at the dry teat of liberal Lutheran German rationalists who did NOTHING but attack the historical reliability of the Bible and its miracles. But at least the truth can be easily replaced by bleeding statues and apparitions. Cotton candy laced with cyanide.

  4. I am looking forward to seeing Paul and what they did with his stubbornness as he endured beating after beating, then got up and went back for more. Nothing and no one could stop him!


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