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  1. "Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666". Revelation 13:18.

    "Philadelphia is one of the 7 churches of Revelation and is the same name of this Nations original capital. From the center of Philadelphia to the center of Canton Ohio is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. Canton is where Marilyn Manson was born and is also home of the football Hall of Fame. From the center of Canton Ohio to the center of Chicago is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. This route from Philly to Canton to Chicago equals 666 the mark of the beast.  Chicago is where Anton Lavey was born and its where he wrote the satanic Bible. Anton published it the same year Manson was born, 1969. 

     Marilyn Manson and Anton Lavey became friends after first meeting at Anton's "Black House" in San Francisco in 1994. Anton Lavey died in San Francisco a city best known for the Golden Gate Bridge a bridge built from Bethlehem Steel.The bridge went under construction on Mansons birthday January 5th 1933 and on the exact 49 year anniversary January 5th 1982 18,000 landslides occurred in San Francisco killing 33 people which happened to take place on Mansons 13th birthday. On Manson's 1st birthday an earthquake struck China killing over 15,000 people. Marilyn Manson also has 666 tattooed across his rib cage and an upside down cross across his chest. Manson has also ripped multiple pages out of multiple Bibles. Marilyn told us exactly who he is when he released his best selling album titled "Antichrist Superstar." Manson was also quoted as saying "hopefully I will be the one who brings an end to Christianity."

  2. A true story? It hasn’t happened yet. It’s not a true anything yet. If you think there’s a rapture your not right in the mind. The Bible talks nothing about any rapture .

  3. I saw this! It’s intense…. Someone keeps their head as others loose theirs……it really makes you think…🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. Yes, Christians and jews persecution coming up. End times prophecy. Whatever fucos on Jesus. No matter what trust in Jesus. Watch and pray. Pray without ceasing. Repentance and forgiveness of sins. Pray for protection against the enemies dark forces. Prayer for deception and temptation. Abide in Jesus. Trust God with all thine heart. God is with us.

  5. Well if this dose happen and if it happening they can kilswitch at any moment for are beliefs that is just sad and ignorant but your mind body and soul only and always belongs to lord father GOD so I see no reason to weep


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