Don’t Watch This Movie! Russel Crowe’s “The Pope’s Exorcist” This movie is demonic and should not be watched by Christians.


  1. Other Catholic exorcists I've listened to have been said that yes, often supernatural and unexplainable things happen during an exorcism. One priest even spoke about a man levitating out of his chair.

  2. All horror movies are demonic.. that is the reason why in these movies the priests are always defeated and the victims are left helpless.. these movies glorify the power of demons which sidenote.. in real life the power dynamic is definitely reversed cause Christ is undeniably superior.. so yeah don’t watch any horror movie, you’re opening doors and it takes time and a lot of prayer to close them up

  3. This movie is right from the horse's mouth! 👹 🔥 Satan aka Hollywood. Where a True story goes to Hell in a handbasket! With exaggerated lies for a dark Agenda & Profit💲

  4. This kind of movie programs fear, disbelief and doubt over holiness, into the human subconscious. As more and more people will become possesed (because of the current sinful lifestyle that's promoted everywhere) their chance or choice of redemption will get lower. So sad!

  5. One thing Hollywood is very good at is it's ongoing and ever increasing hostility towards the Christian Faith and Christian Family life, most especially aimed at the One True Catholic and Apostolic Church. And yes, the devil hates the Old Rite Latin Mass and Latin Prayers which is why there are those in the highest positions within the Vatican that are working hard to eradicate the Latin Mass saying that it's too fundamental and not in keeping with the 'modern' church. Beware the Zeitgeist.

  6. Glorifying demons, this is the movie's all about. And like the Ouija Board, the dark suggestions here sticks and messes up one's psyche. Stay in the light; stay away from this darkness. One gets nothing from it but all things dark.

  7. Father Amorth was a very holy and decent man who helped many through what he did.
    Hollywood put a spin on this to make money. And of course did this after Father Amorth’s death.
    Thank you for posting this!
    I wanted to see it just because of who I knew Father Amorth was.
    Now that I know this, they won’t be getting my money.
    Not much in Hollywood isn’t made into crap these days.
    Too bad, they could have made a wonderful movie about a holy man….

  8. A movie about a demon is demonic? … and a priest talks against it. A priest of the very same church the movie is exposing for hiding the killings of thousands of people?? .. hmm.. interesting

  9. It's a movie. If you know movies, they're gonna have poetic licenses. I think evil comes from this judgemental, pretentious, I'm better than thou attitude. This precisely pontificates why so many can't take christains seriously. Be kind to others to be accepting and rational towards others' differences. Who has ordained you or me to be the judgment? Kind of arrogant, don't you think?

  10. Well it’s too late I already watch it and plus I watched EVIL DEAD RISE …. 😨 now that movie was beyond demonic this movies are exposing themselves easily

  11. But isn’t a potentially good thing to watch these movies because it’s scares us into obeying Jesus our Lord? If we’re scared to go to hell because of what lives there doesn’t that help us keep on the narrow path?

  12. For you all to be such devout Christian’s in the comments, it’s kind of interesting seeing how much fear demons put into your hearts when in Gods word he says demons have no power over you. You should be able to walk amongst the darkness with light shining from you. To live in fear means you live in the dominion of these demons

  13. This movie helped me realize how important Ephesian 6 is when it comes to spiritual warfare. What I got from this movie is to further study and memorize scriptures to activate the sword of the Spirit. It also gives subtle hints that the Church has been hijacked by double agents. Not recommended for those that aren't fully matured in the Faith. Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashiach is Lord Amen!

  14. I put on my full armor of God and watched it! And Wow I think everyone needs to see it! It uncovers a big secret of Vatican! The fact that the monk that recommended Catholic Inquisition to queen of Spain was possessed by Asmodeus, King of hell! This is how the devil has infiltrated the Vatican! It is not fiction and other movies such as the Rite also from same story! Bob Lawson is a lying phoney! It's obvious when you see his money making show in his shopping center church! This man is not a Catholic priest under the Vatican! Asmodeus is the king of hell for a reason! Yes movies are generalized for comprehension because you may not understand if not a practicing educated Catholic! Bob Lawson shame on you! God has a special hell for those who changed his word!

  15. I should of watched the video before posting
    You have to know your enemy cause he doesn’t fight fair
    Maybe this movie will allow one to see what they never thought would affect them
    Still uncertain if I want to see it

  16. Lol😅 it's make believe grow up lol this movie was great.. You have to be mentally ill if you believe in fairytales like god. Or demons they belong to the same group as mermaides santa claus 🎅 bigfoot loc ness

  17. The Bible, Jesus, Demons Etc. It's all a metaphysical whip to keep our asses in check. Humans have always been savage and will always be savage, it's the nature of duality. That being said there are good people, most of us commenting are good people. And people just like us thousands of years ago had to figure out a way to control masses of people and get them to stop acting so savage to one another. Hence religion was born. Don't say that or you'll go to hell. Don't do that or you'll go to hell. God is always watching. Really, he must be pretty demented. Standing idly by and just watching…watching what. Ra**, Murders. WARS!. Imagine all that going on for centuries and doing nothing. Your god is not all powerful or All loving. Which is why if you go by your scripture Lucifer rebelled against god, because Lucifer loved and adored humans more then god. And seen gods actions as unjust and evil.

  18. It's too bad that Crowe is the lead, because people will blame him for the picture when none of it is his fault. I don't plan to see any of the recent movies about exorcisms or demons. Not interested.

  19. You even watched the film? He didn't cast any demon in the pig, the guy was just menthaly ill and he just pretend… I am looking for the real Christian path for few years but you, Isaia and Ruslan popped up at the same time. You are very strange and just can't trust you. There is nothing demonic. You guys are just very strange

  20. I'm Catholic and i think everyone should watch it. You will understand how past guilt is/will affect people. This world is getting more and more demonic. The movie starts by saying that the devils likes it when people say there is no such thing as a demon. It's an eye opener. As usual Christians ( protestants) as usual are fear mongering. You have to give some artistic license…it's what sells movies. But of course dont forget to donate…..wink wink.


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