1. It goes like this you have to be 100% with God if you're not real with yourself you're not real with God that just bottom line look in the mirror if you want to change you will change if not to each its own

  2. AoG. The Assembly of God Church has had a massive reporting of adultery affairs divorces.
    Letters have been flooding into the main office for yours going back to and before the Jimmy swaggart scandal

  3. We don't put our trust in men…not even men of God . Only trust the Lord thy God. Although these men fell short, WE ALL FALL SHORT. Sometimes the Lord exposes the sins of preachers who we see as righteous and whom we look up to. They are but men and possibly we hold them accountable to a higher standard than we expect from others. That is so wrong. WE ALL FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD. Of what He requires from us. NOBODY IS OR EVER WILL BE WITHOUT SIN. STOP EXPECTING PERFECTION FROM SINFUL MEN. WE ARE ALL SINFUL BY OUR NATURE. The whole TRUTH is based on understanding that nobody can obtain sinlessness without JESUS AND REPENTENCE. WE CANNOT DO IT ALONE. IT IS ONLY THROUGH WHAT JESUS DID ON THE CROSS THAT WILL EVER SAVE US FROM THE WRATH OF GOD. WE DESERVE NOTHING. JESUS SAVED ALL WHO ARE WILLING AND OFFERS HIS PRECIOUS GIFT TO THE ENTIRE WORLD FREELY 💜💜💜 ALSO,. It is only by error that unbelievers see these men fall short and use it as direct evidence to deny the TRUTH OF GOD'S HOLY WORD.. THAT FACT THAT THESE MEN ARE SINNERS IN NO WAY DISCREDITS THE BIBLE OR ANY PART OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. OR ITS TRUTH. 💜💜💜

  4. They have in common what we all have in common: SIN. How is their sexual sins worse than our so called "white" lies. How many of us commit adultery everyday while watching a movie or looking at a pretty girl? A sin is a sin. And they all get forgiven by God. But us humans don't forgive. We hold people to inhuman standards like they should NEVER ever sin in their lives. We shouldn't encourage sinful live, but also shouldn't condemn sinners. The only sinless human that ever lived was Jesus the man.

  5. Well I should say if they're the head of the church that should step down until they get their problem together not leave the church was step down from being ahead the serving the people you can't die people the truth when you can manage your own spiritual warfare

  6. Pride comes before the fall!
    Stop creating small gods of these church leaders who are no better than the average person. Only allow humble men of God who are past their prime and done with the flesh to teach. You have no discernment allowing ambitious striving men into leading. Stop following such men.

  7. The Christian Journey is NOT Easy, Knowing the stories of some of these preachers you presented, the frailty of men and they live a very hectic life at times, and if we are honest, we all enjoy the pleasures of sex, I would submit, that these that fall from grace and partake of the flesh, do so because they want an escape from their worlds, being a 'leader' persae ,in the christian realm is NOT Easy, it's a Hard Road to Keep and I think they get Battle weary and of course ole satan knows our weaknesses, he only has to present a moment of an escape, something to entice, and when we are week we go to something that helps take us from the world persae and if it feels good, do it is the motto right, well, we all know the escape sex can bring, it's pleasure and sadly, some probably think they are being loved, when they feel a bit over done, wore out from living a hectic life, maybe? Sadly Pride comes in too and many of those preachers your shared are in the category of false prophets as well, *for profit, so another problem…It's Pride, they have risen to what they believe a high position in life and some just feel they're above God and do what they do…

  8. Why are you bringing up somebody else’s sin that God has chosen to forgive and to forget. If God has chosen to forget why are you choosing to bring them back up? Do you want God or someone else to bring back the sins in your life that has been forgiven and forgotten!!!!
    I enjoy most of your videos….. but this one…… Terrible Video, man.

  9. Ok … so Ravi Zachariah thing needs more investigation. I was so blinded and sort of sad mad about it and then decided to really look into it and turns out there is more to the story. You should read his sons blog and the conduct of the rz ministry. But the biggest being the people who did the ‘investigation’ is also the guy who kept sending out threats to Ravi Zachariah about shutting down his ministry. So there’s more to it than this ‘quick investigation and conclusion situation’. At the end of the day we have to listen to Holy Spirit and discern about these things and be careful of not pointing fingers but also not excusing these behaviors too. Thought I’d share for people who were also not sure about the conclusion of the rzim ministry

  10. Brothers and sisters…

    1 Corinthians 7:1-5
    King James Version

    7 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

    2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

    3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

    4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

    5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

  11. Stealing and lying are just as bad.

    Lying especially.

    Sexual sin is hard to fight because its seldom confessed openly and also because its 'hidden'.

    People justify their sin all the time. If their conscience don't inform them, THEN be worried for them.

    Honestly, I think most people dostract themselves into sin, they neglect the first love and the word that freed them and they start a slow process of sliding into immorality.

  12. Yeah Matt Chandler was nothingike that. He had a conversation with a woman through Instagram that was not romantic or sexual. The issue is being above reproach. Could that have gone wrong? Absolutely but it was nipped in the bud before it got anywhere close! Quit smearing this guy and lumping him in with Jimmy Swaggart and Ravi Zachariah.

  13. Imo. The first sin was of a sexual nature.

    One reason to avoid sexual immorality is because it makes you stupid. Note: having a lot of money doesn't mean you're not stupid. Most higher persons within religions often teach abstinence and that's for a reason. Being an intelligent being comes from control and controlling the greatest desire that humans face, sex. Conquer this and other more fascinating doors will open.

  14. They fell into 💰 MONEY first. Charging poor old veterans and older people on a limited income MONEY to be a part of an "online church" is laughable. Where does Allen post what what he does with his 💰? When will he post his budget online for his pay to play "church"? The White Throne Judgment Seat awaits a leader of a million people who actually think that they are going to get raptured out and go to heaven.


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