This is a tragic true story of a 17 year old Christian girl who committed suicide. No one saw this coming, and there were no real …


  1. I am unsaved but I don't know how to seek Him with my WHOLE HEART for I am prone to not doing so and having pride and I lack understanding of my sins and the Gospel…

  2. This breaks my heart 😢❤️. I.lost a beautiful Christian friends to suicide a few years ago. She was a vibrant beautiful soul who dearly loved the lord and I too watched her worshipping God with so much love. She also suffered deep mental health issues and sadly even prayers and her closest friends could not save her. 😔 so hard to understand 😪 blessings.

  3. Everything you have said Matt is the truth. The story is heartbreaking and it is hope that keeps us going.. We serve a wonderful and loving God who knows the world and sent his Son as our teacher so we would have hope…
    Blessings from Michigan

  4. In reading some of the comments, it disturbs me how judgmental people can be. As humans, we all like to think we know everything that goes on in a persons life and draw our own conclusions as to why a person might end their lives. Where is your compassion??? As Christians, no one really knows the depths of despair or private tragedies that person may have been dealing with. We all like to assume they must not have been a real Christian or that it was a selfish and sinful act. Yet none of us ever knows what goes on for that person except for God. They probably don’t share it to ask for help anymore because they are told it’s murder / selfish / sick etc from fellow believers. No one can judge this girl because no one will ever know the full story except for God. I truly believe this young woman and so many Christians like her are safe in the arms of Jesus. He alone knows their pain and distress. Instead of judging, we need to stand quietly next to a person in such deep pain and let them be free to express the desperation and heartache they are feeling. Often by just sitting and listening, this simple act is enough for someone to feel like they have been heard. People who talk about suicidal thoughts are not looking for attention or don’t have enough faith ….. talking about it shows courage . Mostly they are not looking for answers, they just want to be heard and feel like someone – anyone – cares. So PLEASE be careful of the words you use when talking about someone who has ended their life. You may be fortunate enough never to have experienced the pain that has left deep scars that only God can heal.

  5. This is sad. Unfortunately even though I am also a professing Christian and my hope is in Jesus, I just want to be with Him now. I have no hope in this world that I’d rather just go to heaven now than to be here in the world anymore. I don’t want to do anything to myself. But sometimes I do wish the Lord would take me. I know this is selfish. And these feelings come and go. But I just hate this world and I can’t stand being here

  6. The thing everyone misses in these situations, is that while our hope of salvation is in Christ, we may have no hope for things to change in this world. Our hope then becomes going to see our God. Because the hopelessness about the situation is so great we so desire that salvation from it. So as a Christian, the hopelessness doesn't come from a lack of realization about who Jesus is, and what he has done. It comes from hopelessness in life situations with no visible way out. To the Christian in this situation, remembering that you gave YOUR life to Christ, and "your life" is no longer yours but "His," is the key to staving off these times. It doesn't make the hopelessness situations easier, it just logically gives the reason to keep moving, because eventually God will use you for the purpose He has created you for, even though its hard, and it seems like God has "forgotten you" He hasn't.

  7. It seems to me she just wanted to go home and be with Jesus instead of staying here. She may not have been depressed or suffering. It may have just been a decision. She may have had hope.

  8. Doesn't sound to me at all like she had lost hope There are many young people, children, babies also that are sacrificed to satan or some other false idol. These sacrifices and practices are not on mainstream news, but VERY real. They are clever enough to cover up any forensic evidence and make it look like a suicide.

  9. Romans 15:13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. … Amen brother. Your face lights up when you speak the Truth of the word of God. Today it is our HOPE IN JESUS!! Hallelujah

  10. Just one month ago my dear friends lost their 24 year old girl, Rebecca, shot herself taking her own life. Her parents are ministers of the Gospel and she had been getting counsel from her parents and a few others. Rebecca had never shown any signs of mental illness but 3 months ago she shared with her parents that she was hearing voices from the enemy. Her parents prayed and did all the things we know to do. She said the voices at first said to hurt her parents. It turned into the voices telling her to kill her parents. The before the voices photos and after show a different countenance and it seemed so quick. She loved her parents to the max. She was especially a Daddy’s girl & loved spending time with them both. She loved her husband married for only 3.5 years. Her Dad has been called as a Preacher fir over 40 years. At age 19 he was saved. He had grown up in a home where he too was a PK(preachers kid) yet he did not know Christ til 19. It happens more than we know. Eddie Paul now has a Youtube ministry that is the fulfillment of God calling & saving him at age 19 telling him one day he would use him to share the gospel in many foreign nations. It did not happen until a couple years ago and now he knows it is through internet he is reaching many, just as the Lord said 40 years ago. I am so stunned about his daughter taking her own life. I am saddened that she was unable to overcome. Eddie Paul tells truth and does not conform to what the false prophets and false teachers are he has a huge target on his back. I pray we all be filled with more of Him so the demons will tremble when His people are around. Also more discernment. Praying for you and your health that it be fully restored.

  11. God's people need to Plead the blood of Jesus over their body, soul and spirit everyday and over family and friends. Satan can not cross the blood line of Jesus. We are in a Big Spiritual Battle and will intensify before Jesus comes and takes His children Home! Pray and believe what God has said in His Holy Word. Hold on tight to His unchanging hands. Don't let go! You will make it.. through to the other side with Jesus beside you! Look up our redemption draws neigh! Our redeemer Lives! Even so Lord Jesus come quickly. Amen and Amen. Be careful be cautious be mindful be watchful be prepared above all PRAY. 🛐📖🙏🕊️ show ❤️ like Jesus then if need be 🔫🏹 then victory 🙌🙌

  12. We must walk by faith 24/7…"Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen" … Hebrews 11:1. YHWH-God sees the heart, not the appearance like man does. That poor child was giving the appearance of being o.k., but she was dying inside.

  13. God Gave a commandment..Matthew 5:37.. “Say just a simple Yes I Will or No I won’t. Your word is good enough.” People pleasers say yes when they mean No and find themselves doing all sorts of things they don’t want to do. To think of having to live my life saying yes to people would make me want to commit suicide too! 😊❤

  14. Judgement comes. Look at Linda Rika YouTube testimony. Six hours in hell two hours in Heaven. Three preachers eligible for Heaven out of five million people.  Never changed pants on women.  Many lying.  Lord is it you in the dream?  Lord am I eligible for Heaven?  Lord who is Lord? My mother died in her pants.  I dreamed eight years before her death that she would die in her pants.  Read Matthew 22:11-13 clothing only keeps a man from Heaven. Zephaniah 1:8 they were judged by their garments clothing. So many lying unless they read the Holy Bible only word for word only just his word only not his preacher.  A not for profit God.  He never changed.  Seven times in The Old Testament pants on men never on women.  It is too late to find out the truth when you die.  Ask God.  Many people never ask him.  The devil’s job is to fool everyone.


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