Unofficial Lyric. Group: Fiji Youth Gospel Please Respect & Support Local Artists by purchasing track. Vinaka #fijiangospel …


  1. Lyrics with English Translation:
    Ko vuravura sa wawa tu mai
    [The world awaits]
    Kei na kena I serau
    [With all its beauty]
    Mo veivutuni kusa rawa mai
    [Come quickly & Repent ]
    Tauri Jisu edai
    [Accept Jesus today]

    Wekaqu! I na wekaqu
    [My friend! Oh My Friend]
    Mo kusa rawa mai
    [Come quickly]
    Gauna sa vo lailai
    [Time is running out]
    Ciqomi Jisu edai
    [Accept Jesus today]
    Me nomu vakabula
    [To be your Savior]


    Lomalagi! Lomalagi
    [Heaven! Heaven]
    Sa wawa
    [Awaits/is waiting]
    Soli iko rawa
    [Give yourself while there's still time]
    Vanua vou e vakarauyaka
    [He prepares a new place]
    Mo na taukena.
    [For you to inherit]


    (Music solo)

    Chorus till fade…

  2. Even though I couldn't understand it, the Lord understood this song and he appreciates all who worship him.

    I admit this song is truly wonderful!! It doesn't matter if your Japanese, Russian, Italian, Mexican, German, Nigera, or where ever you from, it doesn't matter what language you speak. Jesus Christ and Jehovah GOD Christ loves all people we need both of them everyday/night!! I am American!!

    Here's the sinners prayer; Lord Jesus I am a sinner I believe you bled and died for my sins, please forgive me for my sins and save my soul, I thank you Jesus for saving my soul amen!!!!!!!

    I will serve and worship the lord for an eternity!! Jesus Cnrist and Jehovah GOD Christ may they bless the Universe and may all who believe and those who don't believe get saved before thier time is up. I want Heaven to be filled with people trust me people should want to go to Heaven. Animals, Plants, Insects, I assume they are in Heaven as well. I'll elaborate Heaven is paradise, no more conflict, no more suffering, true love and true peace. The Devil Lucifer Satan will be defeated by his diety rival Jehovah GOD Christ. Jesus thanks for everything and thanks for saving our souls. I will continue to worship you, I will continue to read the bible, go to church, listen to gospel music, and pray!! I know there are a plethora of people who love worshipping the Lord King Jesus Christ!!! For the duration of my life I will continue to serve you and worship you as much as I can!!!

  3. How wonderful indeed. Glory be to our Lord Jesus. If this your excellent Church groups could do RUN FOR LORD JESUS on April 8th in celebration of the Resurrection Power of our Lord Jesus how wonderful it would be (Isaiah 52:7). Think about it and Pray about it. Hebrews 12:1-2.


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