Paul Washer warns Christians (and especially young men) that they need to be able to stand when persecution comes, and …


  1. I'm a young man, 17 years old living in California, i have and still feel like I'm wasting my strength. I've fallen into countless amounts of sinful pleasures, sexual immorality , substance abuse, , dishonoring my mother and the list goes on. I didn't have a father growing up so being a man and masculine attributes that most sons learn growing up knew I didn't. I hurt people with my words, with my actions, and I've stayed up days reminiscing of the things i could have done better. I was to young to provide for my family but old enough to understand. As i grew older i know what i needed to do, understand my words and actions have power and to use them to build others up rather than tear them down. Jesus saved me from hurting myself, his teachings from biblical text saved me from pitting my suffering, life is by fare from easy, but i found peace in myself through him.

  2. Hello brother, my name is Jordan. I have a question thats bothered me for some time.

    Ok so when I was younger prob 19 is or 20 or 21.. idk but in that range (I'm 27 now) I wasn't very religious I was a truly evil arrogant and prideful person with religious raising ok so long story short I was ANGRY with God and myself and everybody and there was this girl I can't remember her very well but we were arguing over the bible and something came up.. I don't remember the verse I've tried to remember for years but I can't. All I remember is I got mad and copied and pasted a verse and edited it as in changed the words right? Like to make it say something it did not… so i altered the word. I didn't know the seriousness of it but I knew it was wrong then I told her it was Gods word… ok and I've not done it since…. but it has haunted me.. and I'm terrified I lost my chance of ever getting saved or lost salvation according to
    Revelation 22:18-19
    King James Version
    18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    I do believe Jesus is the Son of God and path to life and what He did on the cross is enough. I would never do harm to God's word or try to publish a corrupt Bible.. I just honestly want to serve God what I did was henious and stupid and a spur of the moment action

  3. Wow. As a young person, I feel so encouraged by this. I actually think, it is exciting to die for Christ if need be. Love the story you shared about the dead man who died when he gave his life over to Christ. Thank you for this new understanding of that passage in the Gospel: If anyone wants to follow Christ, he has to die to himself! Please give the world more of the truth (you give them Jesus with that, since He is the truth).

  4. Please pray for my family and I, we are going through tribulations and the enemy has been constantly attacking us, we are being sued and need prayers to win this battle because our strength sometimes is weary and weak but I know the Lord will hold us in his mercy and that he is our shield and armor. All praise be to the Almighty God in Jesus name!❤ God bless every single one of you and may he be your strength for things to come.

  5. I love that Paul Washer is so scripture driven, but he has become a simp just like most modern day pastors. Scripture regulations only apply to men. It's our fault women are the way they are. Women aren't held accountable and pastors aren't going to jeopardize their consistent congregation to judge women and tell them to stop living in their sin. It's all the man's fault. I guarantee you can find several sermons telling me how immoral they are today, and they need to step up and that will fix everything. Happy wife happy life garbage. You won't find one sermon rebuking women and judging their immoral ways. Church has gone simp town.

  6. I'm a very weak man who has let my father tell me what I can and can't do with my life and I regret it every day of my life 😭! I currently don't have any confidence, no self esteem, no self worth and no self love! I don't know what to do with myself 😭😭😭😭😭

  7. I agree 100% I have to constantly read and listen to scripture daily, 8 to 12 hours a day!! If I don't, I feel myself slide to sin! This man Paul, knows the TRUTH! WE have to pray and read/listen and meditate on scripture!

  8. God does all the saving, men can do nothing. Any man that thinks that he is important and needed by God is mistaken. When the Blind lead the Blind both fall into the ditch.

  9. Wouldn't the burden of growing a young Christian man on their parents Godly wisdom? To teach that our provision comes from God?I can see that we mostly as parents, even Christian parents in America did a lousy job raising children period. We were being deceived while life was too good in America.


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