After being asked by God to sacrifice his only son, Abraham’s faith is tested as he journeys to the mountain of Moriah to make an …


  1. I was really excited to watch this movie… I only wish they stayed in the contents of the Bible .. Sarah, looks more like Lots wife, Abraham never questioned The Lord in presenting his son has a Sacrifice… which would have been in Teology a type of " Jesus Christ"…. The Holy Bible has a script on its own… I wish we would stick to it… 😔

  2. So glad you took the time to ask that question. It's an interesting perspective, but not a unique one. We have the view you expressed because we think like human beings. When we think of God as Creator of the universe, then our view broadens… so many ways. Keep asking questions. There are answers. Good ones. Life changing ones.

  3. I appreciate that there are people who are willing to step out and get these excellent bible stories on the big screen, and I LOVE that it has received such a great response in the box office. I wanted to take an opportunity to share my one great disappointment in this movie, and I hope the director gets a chance to read this and perhaps think carefully how he portrays characters in his next movies.

    The portrayal of Sarah was absolutely disappointing. The director/writer could have taken the opportunity to challenge woman of faith to submit to the Lord, their husbands, and trust HIM in their circumstances through the story of Sarah, instead the writer made Sarah out to be a week, whiney, pitiful character who never gets her way, acts more like Jobs wife (in fact even quotes Jobs wife "Just curse God and die") then what I would imagine Abrahams wife, and even turns to making her own alter out of rocks and prays to it because the One True God is not answering her prayers. In the same scene, Abraham submits to her and does not destroy the idol until after she leaves.

    I have a really hard time seeing either of these characters in this light knowing that Abraham spoke and ate with the creator. God also protected Sarah from frightful circumstances, and for that, I would imagine she too had a strong faith the Lord would keep His promises in not only protecting her, but also providing the son of promise. Very disappointed in the portrayal of both.

  4. My question is if it's accurate. I will be very upset if I go to this movie and they've changed it from the Bible/Quran…

    We all know that God spared Isaac's life in the end.

    Does he spare his life in the movie?

  5. The trailer I saw was an unbiblical portrayal of this story of Abraham and Issac. If you carefully read the Bible account including Hebrews 11:17-19 you will realize they have taken huge liberties with the dialog and Abraham's perspective. It's a fiction movie not a historical account.

  6. The Israelites were WHITE, just as they have always been. It's only in the last few decades that Hollywood and the fake Edomite j oo s are portraying Israel as being mixed race like the Arabs. "Arab" itself means mixed. The Middle East was originally WHITE. It is only since about 500 ad that the darker races came up and mixed with the whites who remained there(not Israelites but like the Persians and such. People don't know their Bibles, nor true history and they are being suckered to believe lies. Everybody wants to steal from whitey, including our racial heritage. Apparently there are people coming out saying that Europe was black and the blacks created all of the nice buildings in Europe and then whitey came and killed them all and learned how to build from the buildings they now owned. Stupid people will believe crap like that because they want to think whitey is bad and it is whitey's fault that whitey is better than the other races because he has stolen everything from the true Israel people and everything else. I can prove once and for all time that whites are Israel(even though your dusty Bible so states that white Romans, Barbarians, Greeks and Scythians were all fellow Israelites in their dispersion north and west(as prophesied of Israel's future migrations) into EUROPE. The fakes want to keep the white race from knowing white's true heritage because when whites wake up to this truth(and WE WILL) we will see who the fake j oo s really are who are pretending to be US while destroying our race and nations and societies which is their role on this earth. To be the destroyers against true white Israel. God uses the small race of Edomites("The REDS" who have converted to Phariseeism/Judaism) to punish true white now New Covenant Christian Israel when white Israel turns away from God and His Laws. God brings in an enemy who hates white Israel to gain control over them and oppress them, plunder their wealth(along with other races that they often get to flood into white Israel's nations like what is happening now to EVERY white western nation with the small race of Edomite j oo s behind it as prophesied!!! Why do you think that their media is so antichrist and antiwhite? They HATE white Israel more than a white man could even fathom because they are not like us. They care not for anyone else and seek to plunder and enslave while whites are the opposite as we seek to free others and bless them with aid, help, financial aid, sending the Gospel etc. "Two nations are in thy belly." One good white Jacob and one who God hates Esau Edom who we will destroy soon(I hope soon). So repent white people we are being punished because we have turned away from our First Love Jesus Christ as a people and as nations which as prophesied we have allowed to become worse than Sodom!! It is white Christian Israel's fault that our nations are turning evil! We have stood by and put our heads up in the clouds thinking about "heaven" up in the sky somewhere while our Bible say that "The meek will inherit the EARTH!!(NOT "heaven"!!!) Nowhere in the Bible does it say we go to a place called heaven after we die, nor does it say that anyone goes to a place of fire called hell. THAT is pagan and the evil Catholic Church came up with that doctrine in order to control the people. If you don't do what we say or give money for this or that then you will burn in hell!! The fires the hell preachers refer to in Scripture are either related to the fires of 70ad which ALREADY HAPPENED or they are referring to "The Refiner's Crucible" in METAPHORICAL language or symbolism!" "Lake of Fire" is a TERRIBLE translation and it is really taking about the Refiner's Crucible" which is a metaphor in relation to Go's restoration of all men back to Himself and likens it to purification by fire. You heat up the gold particles and the impurities are taken ou6t and then the gold is pure!!! and you don't toss gold into a trash can or a lake of fire do you? NO! You CHERISH IT!!!! SO REPENT OF YOUR NATIONAL SINS AMERICA ZION!!! YOU are Zion and are Manasseh's one great nation and his tribal symbols are= A fruitful branch and 13 arrows!!!!!!!!!!! The Pilgrims and Founding Fathers ALL KNEW WHITES WERE ISRAEL!! If you don't believe me you should go read their old writings, sermons, charters and compacts. They called America "Joseph's Land" because they knew it belongs to Joseph and his son Manasseh! The 13th Tribe of Israel and that is why America is supernaturally connected with the number of 13. While it is Manasseh's one great nation it is also Zion and the true regathering of some of the people from all 13 Tribes of Israel into one nation under God!! E PLURIBUS UNUM="Out of many(TRIBES) one!!!!" I am a genetically verified descendant of Judah through Zerah Judah and am a descendant of King David, Isaiah and Aaron and I am a white Christin American! If you are white then you probably are an Israelite too. Have you ever looked into your ancestry? If you are white/European you WILL eventually come to the Hebrews-I PROMISE YOU!!!! And the Romans are of Zerah Judah as I am. Paul acknowledged that they were "wild" olive branch"="wild Israelites= Israelites without God's Law because their ancestors left Egypt BEFORE the Exodus and before the giving of God's Law. He also said that they once knew God but had changed Him into a man. God said, "Only Israel have I known of all the families of the earth." Pray for America to return to our God and King Jesus Christ who will reign in Zion USA!!!!!(Old Jerusalem will be torched because Scriptue says in several places that the enemies of Israel would be living there in the last days(the small race of antichrist Edomites("The REDS"-Think RED Communism beast system which has been drunken with the blood of over 100 million white Christians since 1917)!) "Wake up oh CAPTIVE Daughter of Zion(USA)!!!" We have been asleep to the fact that America has been conquered by antichrists without a war just as prophesied of end times Zion!! Here's the proof that whites are Israel in showing you these "ancient mosaics in Israelie" which show the ancient Israelites had blonde and red hair not black or even dark brown hair like the fakes of today:


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