African American Movies 2023 #LMN Movies | Lifetime Movies Based On True Story 2023 #black movies #lmn #lifetime movies …


  1. Wow| communication communication. Partners claim they love and trust each other so much but when put to the test high percentage fail misserably. Never let anger get the best of you when you need to make serious decissions. He should have let the guy continue then he would have notice its not what it seem. On the other hand when she realise it was about to become an issue back off and let her friend or someone else deal with Graig and she just communicate by phone outside the office and of her home. The last minute when he called him he should have found out exactly where he was call the police and tell them you suspect his life might be in danger and they might have been able to intercept . Well like the man said once its done it cant be undone. I think people who think that way as a solution is dumb. So if they having an affair you killing the other party how is that going to help as you would have been locked up and she end up hating you or another scenario if she is a cheater so is likely to do it again what you going to do keep killing everyone she might be sleeping with. Come on people.. Now from the ending he more likely have died from an heart attack or end up going off his head.. Bitter sweet ending. Watching from JA

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow! What a movie, everyone that watch time movie, please learn a lesson, just because something seems one way, it's not always what it appears to be, communication is the key in any relationship, because if you don't ask you won't know what's going on, then trust your gut feeling, this movie was good but sad, but people need to be more open with their thoughts, never hold back, talk to your mate, because a unasked question will never get a answer!?

  3. What happened at the very ending where he passed out & that's where the film stopped. Did he just pass out, have a heart attack, or hands on top of his head a cerebral haemorrhage. ?

  4. Movie was predictable – BUT – was the party just a cover up! ???
    Either way – it's so sad that he had his homie killed. How will he live with that guilt! Geeeez!
    Now, he should have the hitman knock off the private investigator, because it's all his fault!
    Or he should have waited til "next week" to see what was going to happen! oh well… and another one! lol

  5. To me I think it’s better to learn your partners what they love most , seriously there are some people who are good with surprises, especially a surprise that stretches one’s mind and thinking hard of what’s going on,

    Bro killed his best friend just because the surprise went too far into deep secretiveness, let’s learn to communicate to know our partners deeper .


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