Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the community is in mourning after a trans terrorist walked into a Christian school and murdered …


  1. I have a three-year-old daughter she's almost four, and this makes me sick.
    The picture on the thumbnail of the girl hugging really is sad I am disgusted by the ABC people and I've noticed that I haven't heard any alphabet Mafia people come out and speak on the situation saying that it was horrible and disgusting anything like that they're all just keeping quiet I have no respect for the alphabet people anymore and if anything I despise them

  2. Apparently she chose Covenant over another school because the other school had a higher level of security. I want to know what the other school was. I attended a small, private Christian school in Nashville growing up. This is just too close to home

  3. I find fascinating that the american left keeps on pretending that guns are the problem when the violence problem is EVERYWHERE. Here in France we get 350 assault with knifes or baseball bat a day … We don't have guns … Yet we have as much violence as the US. On the opposite side : Switzerland as more guns per person than america, less legal regulation on it, yet the gun violence is almost non existant… Why that ? Because the guns are not the problem, the culture is ! The lack of punishment is, the lack of respect for justice, or human life is. The gun is a tool, it doesn't make you shoot it, if you use it to assault innocent people ( and you can hardly find more innocent than children ), you would have done it without the guns, by making homemade explosives or just using blades instead. Blaming the presence of guns is moronic. In fact if there was armed guards protecting the schools, that psycho adult chick would not have been able to enter the school while packing. So if anything, the presence of MORE guns would have probably saved lives.

  4. Our bigest mistake was tolerating modern day Sodom crap.

    Trans activism should be punishable with jail time. It doesn't suprise me anymore, that the path to The End Times is carved by toleration.

    It makes perfect sense. The Bible talks tons about how it's sinful to call evil good.. well… what do you think toleration is?

  5. KJP using the term “gun violence” got part of this right. Yes there was violence. No not by a “gun”. Violence is committed by humans NOT inanimate objects. So her usage of these two words is improper as it is by a lot of people. Same with the word “trans”. Genders don’t “trans”. As in transform. That’s impossible. One is physically an XX or XY. XX cannot transform into XY or vice versa. Impossible. One can cross dress, or chop off body parts, use makeup, change one’s hair. But that’s not transforming. That’s changing one’s “looks”. Sorry but not sorry if the truth hurts.

  6. Logically the teachers who brainwashed these people into believing that their sex was wrong are the ones who should be under attack by both sides. They are not difficult to find, parents have been objecting to them and the FBI and Justice Department have supported them. In Animal Farm Napoleon took the puppies and turned them into killers.

  7. I'm not a transphobe – I'm not afraid of them. What's the word for someone who h@t3s trans activists for destroying women's rights and children's lives? That's me.

  8. Armed security for schools should be the next big push. I know it'll still be a tepid step in the right direction, would prefer every teacher be mandated to equip, and know how to use, a firearm and take classes on proper handling of said equipment, recertifying every semester as well.
    Why schools are targeted is a no-brainer, they're defenseless and easy targets. In fact, all "gun-free" zones are literally just easy pickings, genuinely very bold invitations for the worst scum on the planet. We don't hear about these cowardly jackasses attacking police stations, or military bases. Those places are armed to the teeth. If the shooters were looking to go down in a hail of gunfire, they'd go after places filled to the brim with defenders. No, their goal is to harm the defenseless and often innocent. Imagine how much rejoicing there'd be when schools and children are defended, with ease, by a part time substitute teacher, consistently. Where the (attempted) shooters come in and are blasted away by 87 staff members all taking shots at the terrorist. (Not to mention the JROTC instructors organizing literal platoons of students to lead the non-ROTC students to safe areas)
    This is a problem that can be solved, but we have to stop heeding the words of leftist concerns. If soft rhetoric is all that's gonna happen, then the outrage is just for show.

  9. The nerve of the president to blame republicans in congress for not passing gun control legislation when the Democrats had the house for 2 years before the midterms and didn’t pass any legislation. FJB!!

  10. So let me get something straight. One can't blame the entire trans community for the excesses of one individual. Fair enough. But it's ok to blame the whole church for the excesses of those individuals within the church that commit crimes. In other words,You can't blame us all, but we can blame you all.

  11. they talk about white privlage but Trans privilege is the only thing I see because if you criticize the community you get a bunch of bad and evil labels stuck on you.

  12. Thank you Matt. One of my dear friends after moving to States have become so consumed with radical left has become so bitter and argumentative. I've seen her mental health ditoriate. This LGBTQ+++ is a propaganda. More people need to realize

  13. I ask why when this happens the will not show the perpetrator or give them news time because they dont want to make them famous. Why are they plastering the screen with this one I wonder? Oh right, they are the actual victim here according to them I guess.

  14. So when you ban "assault weapons", criminals and nutjobs will also not use "assault weapons", because they obey the law. I wont even go that a 16 inch dildo can be a weapon to assault someone. You Americans got some dumb mothertruckers running this circus, which you call the government.

  15. From the UK Matt, regardless of the root cause is you have to see the value of taking away their means of doing harm (tools) and then work out why they are doing it – stop the bloodshed. People in the UK who need/want guns have them (farmers) and people can get guns for sport mainly in rural areas. This machine (a gun) is DESIGNED to kill human life. That is its tellos.

    Its difficult to hear someone complain about tragedies whilst not acknowledging what enables the behaviour and inevitably ends the life. To me its like saying to a drug addict, keep the crack cocaine, keep their freedom – lets work out why they take the drugs. No you need to do both. What I can see happening in the US is an escalation of arms to the point where people wont' go outside without an AR15 scared that everyone else has one.

  16. I don’t know much about Uvalde but did the shooter not have himself barricaded in a classroom with hostages? How were the cops supposed to run toward the bullets, were the cops supposed to shoot into a room with hostages?

  17. Sending condolences and prayers at this time of terrible tragedy for the precious lives that were taken. We are currently constantly bombarded with the trans plea for inclusion and voice, and yet media outlets here (in the Southern hemisphere) have been reporting the shooting as committed by a female. Suddenly no mention of trans when innocent lives are taken at the hands of one of their hateful, violent movement.

  18. I truly can’t stand this community and how they’ve been emboldened. They are violent hateful psychos. On this single issue I will be voting red from here on out. I am so sick of how the Democrats have coddled and emboldened them. Women have been speaking out for YEARS about these weirdos. Many women have been attacked and threatened. Most recently Posey Parker at two of her events. These people literally encourage each other to resort to violence. I’ve witnessed them fill JK Rowling’s feed with endless threats. I’ve seen them dozens of tweets fantasizing about attacking Dave Chappelle. This movement is OPENLY VIOLENT. I have had one of these weirdos online attempt to threaten me all for speaking the truth that men will never be women. If any other group was bragging about a “day of vengeance” it would be labeled as HATEFUL and THREATENING. Imagine if a right wing group did this. It would be plastered ALL OVER THE MEDIA. Yet trans loons threaten a “trans day of vengeance” and its suddenly ignored? Where is it in the media reporting how deranged it is?

    It’s so incredibly frustrating.

  19. What will democrats say, when all guns are banned, and yet criminals still find a way to hurt people; with illegal guns, knives, ropes, vehicles… life always finds a way, but so does death. Banning guns will change nothing for those who are determined to do harm. At best it will delay their madness a day or two, and they will stay just a little bit longer on the FBI's "radar". We're saved.

  20. It’s hilarious all the things, trans people supposedly feel on a daily basis, 90% of the people, normal people, human beings, have anxiety and depression, but you know what else some of those other symptoms and emotions can all be chalked up to the side effects of hormone drugs, an or drug addiction symptoms or over medicating like taking more then prescribed or mixing alcohol with them or just not getting any help for your symptoms! like an most of the emotions an feelings listed are normal for most Americans an can also be changed with out medication like learning breathing exercises an or setting goals or making list of things your gona do that day an then move up to planning your whole week trying to add healthy structure that will help anxiety an then finishing goals an lists will help your depression like I don’t even suggest antidepressants to somebody in there teens an I mean 18-19 as well because your brain an body an still going threw puberty an growth an your going threw a pivotal period an there’s a lot of stress an fear of the future an what’s unknown


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