I was shocked to see this. With Zakir Naik, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, James White, and David Wood. Subscribe to 1) help …


  1. Jesus said I am the first born before all the creation were created,before all the kingdoms,principalities,good all bad created I was,they were created for me and they are mine,that to say Jesus is God

  2. I think it's easy to talk alone but when the Christians get into a debate with the Muslims they can hardly talk or defend themselves in a respectful and convincing manner. Learned church fathers and scholars have failed I saw this in lots of the types. Christians only feel safe and regain their voices when they are not in a debate, then they call the Muslims arrogant, childish, misleading and all other funny names. They are not brave enough to say it to the Muslims face. I stand to be corrected.

  3. This is the year
    2023 Now it’s time
    Thank you Lord Almighty God From
    Heaven that you are
    Here in this Earth
    Thank you for your Son Jesus Love all
    All his Children’s.
    In this age Earth.
    Thank you Lord
    In Jesus name Amen.
    Lord Jesus Christ
    You are here

  4. This preacher is in denial even with such evidences .We Christians believe and accept JESUS CHRIST till our last breath…pity for the followers of these manipulative preacher Let us PRAY for him

  5. He said he knew the bible better than most Christians do. My challenge: How does he interpret Genesis 1. In the beginning God…. In hebrews the word God is translated Elohim which is plural in form. The singular form is Eloi. Like cherub in singular and in plural cherubim. God in this verse implies the three Persons on the One True God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) When Jesus became flesh (1John 4:3) Though He is God (Phil. 2:6) He did not consider Himself equal with God, meaning, while on earth He prays to His Father, He fully depended on God, He never used His being God here on earth. So He never mentioned directly that He is God and never demanded worship because He taught His follwers humility. But when He ascended to heaven after He rose from the dead, He said all power and authority is given to me. Also in John 17:3 the glory that belongs to Him even before the foundation of the ti world. I pray that our beloved muslim brothers will come to know Jesus and accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour as some other muslims did.

  6. mr. Naik keeps on saying "peace be upon Him (Jesus)" yes, mr. Naik should take serious consideration of being Peace upon Jesus Christ bec. if he not He will get into a lot of trouble.
    1Pet. 4:5
    They will give an account to Him (Jesus)
    who is ready to Judge the living and the dead. NKJV
    also read:
    Romans 5:1-2 &
    11:18 & 20:12

    So better be truely peace at Him

  7. This is the nation of Esau. Jacob's brother Nation of Jews. Because this man is so arrogant God is USING him as a tool to bring Muslims to to the Light ( Jesus) pray for them. We ALL fall short of the glory of God.

  8. Its a nonsense argument. because of course no textual context can be found in the bible that says "I the God of you,,worship me.there is no point of argument because the bible emphasize that " In The beginning,,the word was with God and the word was God. So no need to complicate the truth. Respect the beliefs of others and focus your self on glorifying our God…

  9. Brother zakhir said adam and some others are called sons of God.
    But they are not like jesus christ He was born of the Holy spirit ,light of the world ,prince of peace, forgiver of sins ,and who is going to judge and in Him there is no condemnation ,resurrected christ and coming second time soon
    There is lot of difference between sons like us to God and to son of God.

  10. Jesus says in John 10:30-33 that He and the Father are one. That raises the question “one what”? From the context we read in verse 33 that the Jews who Jesus was talking to wanted to kill Jesus for saying that He is God. So clearly Jesus said that He and the Father are ONE GOD.

    Now if Jesus is God then Mohammed insulted God by calling Jesus just a prophet. On the other hand if Jesus is not God then saying that He and the Father are ONE GOD would make Jesus a liar and blasphemer which means that Mohammed insulted God by saying that a liar and blasphemer is a prophet of God. So irrespective if Jesus is God or not it means that Mohammed insulted God by calling Jesus a prophet. Of course anyone who insults God cannot be a prophet of God. So anyone who denies the divinity of Jesus calls Jesus a liar and blasphemer and does not revere Jesus at all.

  11. The Red Letter Bible is identical to the other bibles except that the words spoken by Jesus are highlighted in Red Letters. So a totally illogical statement by Zakir Naik

  12. Zakir Naik runner, He run CP he will be roasted like Abdul Wadud. In Quran it says how can you have a son if you don't have a girl friend. Allah cannot have son if don't have Girl Friend

  13. Yes, Jesus said he is God in John 10:30 "I and the Father are one", the Jews clearly understood what Jesus meant since it's obvious and tried stoning him saying in John 10:33 "You a mere man, claim to be God".
    In John 8:58 Jesus again said "Before Abraham was born, I AM". Again the Jews tried stoning him for blasphemy as the mosaic law commanded. In fact there are many more such as Thomas calling Jesus "my Lord and my God", Jesus could have said am not God but He didn't insinuating He is God.


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