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  1. The arrogance en superiority complex is astonishing. Assuming there is a Heaven, how could you possibly state that there is only one way to get there. The reason why people are Christian is 95% cultural. Not because of some type of informed choice. People who grow up in Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, atheist… households or have no resources to understand what Christianity is are therefore excluded from Heaven? Give me a break. Apart from Santa Clause, religion is the biggest mass lie ever created by humans to justify any kind of prejudice against people. It makes me so angry.

  2. I really never comment on anything, but I wouldn’t doubt the jubilee account is deleting comments that favor Christianity. After looking through most of the comments, almost every single one is calling these people disgusting. Christian or not, hating people the way these comments show is wrong. The bias in this video is so clear, in the wording of the questions, the color of the agreements or disagreement, the “evil” sounding voice distortion in protecting their identity, … I encourage you guys to humble yourselves and learn from this video with an open mind whether or not you agree with it.

  3. Yall r probably just gonna be hatefull to Christians… just know that most religions have those same basic beliefs that the rest of society won’t agree with.,. Its not just Christians.

  4. Not when they said the people outside the clinics were waiting to adopt your babies😭💀 could not be further from the truth. They don’t care about you or that fetus Fr

  5. That person never said that the act of rape was a gift, but the life that it brings. They were saying that the life of it, the child that would be born from it was a gift. They obviously know that raping someone is evil, but not the life that could come from that. The life is not evil, but the act that brings it.

  6. as a pansexual Christian who believes abortion and sex outside of marriage are ok (and the fact that non-Christians can go to heaven is true) i was crying before i reached the two minute mark. I know understand why I am scared of my own religion. I'm tired of living in fear (and i've only recently re-discovered my faith and am a minor)

  7. As a Christian who grew up in Christian fundamentalism, none of these types surprise me unfortunately 😭 I’ve read the Bible and a lot of it makes me scratch my head ngl.

  8. lmao i can’t believe i just heard someone say multiple women getting abortions after assault is genocide is the most disappointing thing i’ve ever heard. tbh i don’t even care about christian’s opinions anymore it makes no sense and it’s especially frustrating when the white men make the decisions.

  9. Wow these Christians are worst than some muslims I've met….. These people have no humanity.. can't believe even the most sensitive thing like r*pe was called a "gift". This is so shameful fr.

  10. What I don’t get about abortion is the rape question I’ve met plenty ppl who had one a lot my friend it’s almost always to avoid responsibility it’s literally 0.1%


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