Bope Boya Part 4 is the latest Nigerian movie of Femi Adebile – Fejosbaba TV Yoruba it is a movie that will bless your life in no …


  1. What an awesome God!. Good job Daniel. You shall continue to grow in God's knowledge and power in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen 🙏
    Don't run after a car and collide with bicycle. Be patient and be content in any position you find yourself. Not only the Pastors but everyone.
    God bless FEJOSBABA and all the participants IJMN. Amen 🙏 Blessings!

  2. This movies make me have confidence in Christ 🥰 more than boldness, because the difference between confidence is what someone believe in why boldness is just what someone bold to do and the movie make me proceed in any situation.

  3. I really like Daniel's parents especially his father they know whom they believe and stood firm in Him, more so they make their son to know God very early. Parents know that money is never a way of making a child life comfortably. You have to make your children know their God personal

  4. Thank you Jesus for this beautiful message
    Thank you FejosBaba for yielding

    Pastor Niran is the most unfortunate character in this movie….he didn't get the wealth,he didn't get the peace,he still lost his wife and ended up running mad…the consequences of dinning with the devil
    May God deliver us from the spirit of impatience

  5. Awesome movie about the raw unfailing power of our Great God in the life of unshakeable believers, Truly those who KNOW their God shall be strong and do exploits!! This one will stay with me for some time to come. Great work and insight from Femi. Kuluso deserves an award!. Missed his voice at the end!. Great crew. Not a dull moment with numerous lessons for our Christian journey. A MUST repeat movie for me.


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