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  1. If you are interested in a girl and she turns you down môre than once it's a good sign. Don't be discouraged. I must define, if you are looking for a meaningful long term relationship and the girl you like turns you down, it's a good sign. It might also be a sign that she is not somebody cheap, she is interested in a long term relationship. So how does it work? Her thinking is the following. I like this guy, but I first want to test him. Is he true or does he just want a quick relationship for selfish reasons? If that's the case he will quickly move on because in our immoral culture there are many other who are just too willing to give him what he wants. But, if he is interested in me as a person he will come back. And if he comes back enough and I find him to be true I think he will win my heart. That's the beginning of a meaningful relationship.

  2. ISRAEL doesn't mean wrestling With God. The story is that Jacob fights against his brother guard angel.. He didn't fight against GOD and the meaning of the word Israel is not wrestling.

  3. Today, we live in an """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ "" on certain world i felt so disconnected from my partner that I have.I didn’t know what was happening all along for years that she has been cheating until I met Eleinenaomi gmail^com or VIA +1 (725) 222‑1326 he’s the best..,.

  4. What happens if u are partner meets his/ her invetable end while you are alive? Two ppl cannot time der death….so the point is u can't expect someone to be der always with you….u need to be comfortable with yourself….or else u will lose ur sanity if the other person is not der

  5. Develop a strong relationship with your parent's they respect you more. They aren't for everyone, you got a one friend and that is your only friend. Why i spend countless hours alone and don't want friends.

  6. Today, we live in an """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ "" on certain world i felt so disconnected from my partner that I have.I didn’t know what was happening all along for years that she has been cheating until I met Cyberhack037 gmail^com or VIA +16812384007 he’s the best..,,.

  7. Today, we live in an """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ "" on certain world i felt so disconnected from my partner that I have.I didn’t know what was happening all along for years that she has been cheating until I met Cyberhack037 gmail^com or VIA +16812384007 he’s the best..;,

  8. I often forget JP went on H3H3 and genuinely talked to them about their relationship and gave good positive feedback only to fwd today and realize Ethan only used this man for clickbait and currently bad mouths him any chance JP is mentioned. Despicable.

  9. The Supreme Lord is the source of love. Love is unconditional and eternal. Lust is conditional and about temporary pleasure. Lust goes not give us deep joy and satisfaction. So we see that lust and love are quite different. Lust is like dense darkness, but love is like the bright sun. True love takes us home.

    What’s the Difference Between Love and Lust? Lust is all about gratification, pleasure, and gleeful encounters. Love typically focuses on communication, cooperation, comfort, security, and trust. Lust is usually all about immediate gratification. Love might be harder to come by, yet is more fulfilling on a deeper level. 

    Being engulfed in lust tend to make us focus on ourselves while being in love usually means dedicating a lot of our time and energy in helping the other person not just physically and mentally, but above all spiritually.

    One manifestation of real unconditional love is when a person is quick to forgive. That we don’t hold this against them for a long time. We don’t want the other person to suffer nor do we demand that they beg us for forgiveness. A person who experiences real unconditional love will always remain a well-wisher of all others.

    Love does not turn to hate. Lust turns to hate. Real spiritual love is eternal because it is part of our eternal spiritual nature.

    Jesus' most important instruction for all of us is his first and foremost commandment, to love Your father, Thy God, with all your heart, your mind, your entire being. This is possible for everyone, or else Jesus would not have commanded us to do this. If we neglect to follow this key instruction, then we will not have a close loving relationship with Jesus or with the Supreme Lord.

    Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a (ESV)

  10. Strong disagreement with what he said about being single forever. Ive had many many moments where I’ve thought “I want to be single forever.” That feeling of freedom, of solitude, of self-discovery is indescribable and unlimited and I believe would be limited by being with another person. So I disagree that wanting to be single forever (and actually WANTING it, not just resigning to it) is a path to insanity.

    Now if you don’t know how to be alone with yourself and enjoy your own company, then that is another matter altogether…🙂


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