99% of Christians don’t know this about Jesus Revolution movie. Most people focus on the content of the movie but fail to realize …


  1. I’m not a fan of the Hollywood portrayal of Jesus and never have been because man will never be Christ . Jesus is without sin but actors that portray him are not therefore I understand they’re just actors however, I feel that they’re trying to imitate Jesus Christ and it’s not a good thing.

  2. There are so many fake preachers and even a demon looking one on tv. May God bless them and put them back on the right path. The Demon was shown at the end!!!

    So I’m happy to hear a good pastor.

  3. I saw this movie tonight, I will admit I didn't know about any of the Pastors or churches, or Actors depicted in the movie. The movie did not bring out anything but a Not changed lifestyle. I do know Holiness is not a look, but a Lifestyle. So I wasn't caught up on their clothes. I did decern, Charamatic though…I know our church excepts everyone, and the Gospel is Not watered Down….to Compromise at all.

  4. I went to Calvary Chapel in the early 70's when my parents came out to the catholic church, and became born again. We attended when it was just "The Tent." I then attended Greg Laurie's church, Harvest as a teen. I have fond memories of learning about Christ as a young girl through the countless cassette tapes my father made of Chuck Smith's teachings. But, as I've grown in the walk with the Lord, I realize this Calvary movement is leading many people astray. This video confirms how I've been feeling about Greg Laurie for years. Thank you for this video. I hope Christians wake up soon. The deception in the world is getting worse. I believe this movie is helping pave the way for a one world religion.

  5. Is John MacArthur missing that there were droves of people coming to true faith in Jesus Christ who coming from the hippie lifestyle in the late '60's/early 70's were involved in all kinds of drugs before they met Jesus Christ. Who besides Calvary Chapel (just one at the time) was opening their doors to these young believers that Lonnie was reaching. I think Jack Hayford did. But who else? They started in SanFran and no church would have them. Have these churches heard of evangelism. And so I wonder what was John MacArthur doing at that time, was his church already in operation. Did he open his doors to these people who were searching.
    This is why Chuck Smith taught the Bible expositionally and in those days began with I John and then Romans. If he just taught what he thought what he wanted and what was good for them then I wonder if there would have been any real depth of understanding in the Word and living it out. The movie could have highlighted this more, as well as some other things I have heard people previously mention. After I was saved, as a young Christian, yes I grew. But I also had my moments of weakness with old friends. I smoked pot a few times, not regularly and then got away from entirely. Almost every new believer does.
    I was in FL and it was after the Jesus Movement was over, or thought to be over. As for me I was influenced by hearing about the Jesus People on the news. I had one of their posters….the "I AM" poster that had all the names/prophecies in the OT and NT that referred to Jesus. I can't tell how the seeds were sown. As a kid I wanted to look into the Bible to read the scripture references but did since "lightening might strike." Maybe we all thought that. But at 16 I read several and got into reading Proverbs. Months later is when I called out to the Lord on my bed and He saved me. So in that regard the Jesus Movement, though over, in the beginning of 1981their art work had an affect on me in a positive way.
    As far as music goes, Chuck let them do what it says in Psalms "sing a new song unto the Lord" and praise and worship NOW needs to get to that and away from secular music producers. As for "ministries" like Kenneth Copeland and his ridiculous antics that has nothing to do with Calvary Chapel and Lonnie Frisbee had the power of God on him he didn't need suck fake antics and twisted theories of fake it til you make it or "speak your blessings into existence." Before Calvary Chapel, in my case, I was went to some of these churches and it was the counterfeit. Some others are not and have no connection to Calvary Chapel. But I will say this, whatever church I've been in we all believe Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and not just a select, limited, few.

  6. I seen this movie. It’s a story, telling of certain events, not all events, only short portions within a very small timeframe.
    It showed what the Holy can do in and through the willing, not the perfect but the willing.
    Also it was never what hippies would tell the church they should be, has any one out there read the Calvary Chapel distinctive.
    Sounds like to me John McArthur would have chosen the cleanliness of the new rug instead of human hippies from Sam Francisco.
    Also not all of John Macarthurs peers are perfect either, not all of the people who church with him are perfect, impossible, Calvary Chapel is probably one of the most strict evangelical churches around, they don’t allow any kind of distractions in the sanctuary what so ever.
    Again the distinctive proves this video to be at least biased in it opinion although there are good points such as the choosing of actors, and the rockstar guy that obviously isn’t regenerated but again the majority of CC’s are rock solid. Not all but the majority.
    Has this channel done a video on Mars Hill church about Mark Driscoll, we can find a lot of issues there too.
    Never the less we can’t deny something happened within the punk scene there in Seattle. I just think we can be so critical some times.

  7. I think you’re way off base here. Calvary Chapel is not rooted in the Charismatic movement. In fact Chuck Smith took issue with what he viewed as abuses taking place with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and parted ways with Lonnie because of it, which you see evidenced in the movie. I have never seen Calvary Chapel by way of comparison deviate from teachings espoused by John MacArthur. That being said I don’t think MacArthur is the standard bearer but humble men seeking after God with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is! I think you are making the error of assuming God doesn’t used flawed people at least by your standard. If God couldn’t use flawed people He’d have no one to use at all. Regarding Lonnie Frisbee partying on Saturday and preaching on Sunday according to Greg Laurie who was close to Frisbee during his time at Calvary Chapel, Greg never saw any behavior like that. Lonnie appeared to have back slidden later on in life during the time his wife had an affair and left him.

  8. I think it is safe to say that all of us should just stick to the Word of God and preachers like Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur…men that truly fear YHWH. Movies are too visual and cause many people to fall in love with the humans portraying the characters instead of allowing the Word to take root in their souls.

  9. Every Calvary Chapel I have been to is very fundamental. I attended Calvary Costa Mesa for 20 years, when Chuck was the pastor, and never saw anyone speak in tongues or charismatic. Chuck left the four square church and started Calvary Chapel. Most down to earth man you will ever meet. Now the new pastor ,Brian, is ruining the church. He is affiliated with the likes of Rick Warren and the like. Don’t go there now. Greg Laurie also has lost his way in my opinion. He is very worldly with his Beatles collection, his love for Hollywood and the likes of Alice Cooper and all. I thought I would not like this movie, because Greg likes to make things about himself, but this was a well done movie and people should see it. Kelsey Grammer’s portrayal of Chuck is right on the money.

  10. I’ve followed your channel for a long time but now I’ve realized your just about us watching to the end of the vblogs…so you get your views,,,,,
    How about this …let God sort us out….

  11. Ya so….Jesus said, it's the sick people that need a doctor. People today sound like pharisees, "thise dirty hippies ruined the church" Pretty arrogant to assume God only wants people in suits. Hate to tell you this but the Holy Ghost has his hand all over this.

  12. Rock n Roll never leads to a Christian revival. You can't party all night then preach the gospel. The devil has a spirit that people confuse for the Holy Spirit that moves through the church. The Toronto blessing for example

  13. The Word is insanely interesting and deep on its own, it doesn’t have to engage culture to be captivating. It engages human nature and the true order of things from the very lips of the Creator. That is more than enough

  14. I first heard the gospel from Pastor Greg Laurie, I was saved at a Harvest Crusade (at Angels Stadium), went to Harvest Church-Riverside for about 20 years. Pastor Greg is certainly not the perfect Christian Pastor and HAS indeed made bad judgment calls but he is still an important man of God. I now go to a reformed church but I will NEVER regret or discount the role Harvest church and all the Calvary pastors played in my life, in my understanding of scripture, the sermons etc. It was all part of God's will and plan. I am spiritually growing in Christ but they will ALWAYS be very important in my early walk with Christ. I guess you can say, they give spiritual milk to us Christian Babies but then pastors like McCarthy, Washer and Bauchman spiritually feed us the steak. They ALL have a place in God's plan.

  15. From 1958 to present 2023, PAY ATTENTION: I grew up 120 miles from Los Angeles Calif. and 150 miles from Nevada, Los Vegas. My real brothers and Sisters Acts 2:38 is your WAY OUT!!! Repent and be Baptized everyone of YOU in the NAME of Jesus Christ for the Remission of Sin and you SHALL receive the GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOSTS. They, Revelation 2:9 and Rev 3:9 There NOT Christian nor are they Baptized in Acts 2:38 not filled with the Holy Ghost


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