Kevin and Sam Sorbo, stars of the new end-times themed film “Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist,” believe movies about …


  1. Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

  2. Here is Christ second coming… as quick as lightning he will appear those who are ready he will gather to him those that aren't well it doesn't turn out so well for them. ALL will be settled for good and all cause this time he's gonna clean house on this planet.. what is his and in him will survive it what is not his won't… the first time he came a meek and lowly servant to his Father's will this time he's coming as warring conquering KING and all the armies of heaven will be with him to bring judgement and his Father's WRATH and he won't even really need all of heaven he just has them for a show of force cause he is a force to be reckoned with.. you know in the old testament it says don't want for the day of the Lord to come for it is a great and terrible day. Why Jesus stressed to be ready I reckon and lots and lots really AIN'T getting the gist of that

  3. The other part of the 'nuclear' fear also helped indoctrinate our children to trust and obey completely 'absurd' rules made up by the government. Much like what Kevin said about going out to eat, made to wear a mask to the table, then take it off!!!!! Its insane, yet I still see people wear one.

  4. Thank you, CBN, for hosting the Sorbos. I'm looking up movie times for my friends and family. I pray that The Lord God Almighty will use these christian mediums to reach people around the world for the exaltation of His Son, THE Messiah, The Anointed Christ. I look forward to seeing the movie.

  5. There are too many different views of end time theology regarding the ' Being caught up, Rapture' The truth is, there is no clear answer on when it occurs… Too many have taught and said, 'It's pre, mid or post. No man can give a difinitve answer.. There is always a scripure to counteract each view…

  6. I made a video years ago called " In 2010 God gives His story to the World ".
    The short of it is… God made created PICTURES and they are fashioned together in such a way, that They tell the Story of Creation.

    Hard to believe right?
    My Christian Brothers and Sisters.. the time of FAITH is over.
    Come see what God Himself did!

  7. I tell you JESUS CHRIST PRE TRIBULATION RAPTURE IS ON THE CUSP NOW ☝️ and it is a pre tribulation Rapture . It's written in KJV BIBLE HARPAZO 🎺☝️ no other rapture can it be but pre tribulation with how it all fits in with the scriptures.

  8. You’ve made a boat load of money off a lie. You wouldn’t need a script if you’d stuck to the bible because the rapture isn’t taught anywhere in the bible. You will be held accountable – and so will the interviewer as you can see him holding this Sorbo guy in high esteem.


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